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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 02-03-10 <br /> <br />at Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park is also questionable as to the room required. Committee Member <br />Haiden will adapt the PDF form to use for preliminary projects. Mayor Capra felt the committee <br />was perhaps missing a piece by not having early communication with Public Works. <br /> <br />Hugo Movie Night <br /> <br />Committee Member Amundsen requested adding a discussion of Hugo Movie Night as he had seen <br />in the local paper Hugo’s Parks & Recreation had offered this community event at the grade school <br />and had 250 people attend. The committee discussed doing something similar also as a community <br />event or possibly as a fund raiser. The questions were is it possible to charge for it, would there be <br />legal ramifications or movie rights associated with a fund raising event? More research would need <br />to be done in this area. Mayor Capra stated the White Bear Lake Theater can be rented out for a <br />reasonable rate before regular hours for a party. <br /> <br />Consideration of Liebel Property on Main Street (Capra) <br /> <br />Mayor Capra asked this be put on the agenda to determine if the committee had an interest in this <br />property for a trail side park. Mayor Capra explained to the committee that there is an Indian Burial <br />Mound on the adjacent property that is protected. There are few documented mounds in this area. <br />In June of 2009 Anoka County was approached by the City to determine if there was an interest in <br />joining together to try and secure a grant for perhaps an interpretive center, but the County was not <br />interested. Mayor Capra reported Mr. Kurt Glaser, City Attorney was asked to research the <br />potential of securing grants through Casinos to develop the Liebel piece of as a historical site. Mr. <br />Glaser reported the general consensus was to not draw attention to the burial mounds for fear of <br />vandalism. Committee Member Seeley said this piece is on a highly monitored section of road and <br />very visible. It was suggested pro-bono services such as engineering could be searched out <br />perhaps by going through one of the Casinos or Tribal Councils. The taxable market value in 2009 <br />was $233,000. There is currently a building on the site which has been used for many years as auto <br />body repair. The piece also has a sliver of property on Peltier Lake. If the committee was <br />interested in pursuing this Mayor Capra will bring it to council to see if Staff could be directed to <br />do some research. The committee is interested, but with budget constraints the difficulty would <br />come in financing the project, even a matching grant would be difficult. The committee would like <br />to ask Staff to do research on grants for this type of project <br /> <br />VI. UPDATES <br /> <br />2010 ~ 8K Run <br /> <br />Chairperson Branch updated the committee with sponsorship information; from last year the Blue <br />Heron Grill will not sponsor again this year, Creative Kids will be a sponsor and a new sponsor was <br />found with Right Foot Running. There will be more expenses this year since the run will not be in <br />conjunction with the Centerville Lion’s events. <br /> <br />Flea Market / Cleanup Days <br /> <br />Neither Committee Member Seeley nor Mayor Capra have any updates at this time other than <br />5 of 6 <br /> <br />