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1997 P & Z
Planning & Zoning
1997 P & Z
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5/9/2006 3:03:27 PM
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1/17/2006 2:28:01 PM
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<br />~. <br /> <br />Planning and Zoning February 4, 1997 <br /> <br />Hatem Qamhieh 7251 Clearwater Drive, questioned the drainage flow. Mr. Qamhieh <br />second concern was the run off on the east side of the home by the creek. Mr. Qamhieh <br />asked if the drainage could be directed to the west, keeping the drainage away from the <br />creek. Nyberg explained the back yards will have sod which will absorb more run off then <br />the current landscaping. In addition only four homes will contribute to the run off. <br />Nyberg continued RCWD requires certain peak discharged rates to meet certain criteria's <br />which will apply on the run off issue. <br /> <br />Tourville asked Mr. Qamhieh ifhis questions were answered satisfactory? Mr. Qamhieh <br />said no, he would like the four homes to have all the gutters direct all drainage away from <br />the creek. <br /> <br />Bill Lalonde of 1687 Westview Street questioned the restrictive convenient time frame of <br />five years and asked iffive years was long enough? Mr. Black felt there was no need to <br />have the restrictive covenant have longer terms since no one local would enforce it. <br /> <br />Mr. Lalonde addressed his concerns, suggesting three not two car garages, no dog kennels <br />so there wouldn't be dogs yelping. Mr. Lalonde felt no disturbance of the wetlands. <br />Further, the park dedication land should be on lots 1,2, and 3. The streets should be <br />wider than narrow and have sidewalks. Mr. Lalonde felt lots 1 - 8 leading to the school <br />should have sidewalk access. He felt there should be curbs and gutters all the way. Mr. <br />Lalonde feels there is a real water problem. In addition he feels the watermain should be <br />brought to Peltier Lake Drive because if it crosses the creek it won't do any good for <br />anyone. Mr. Lalonde requested Mr. Nyberg to view the south west lot in the spring since <br />there is a bigger water issue than there currently appears. Mr. Lalonde stated for the <br />record "he is not in favor of further development in the city, and the city should put a <br />moratorium on all building". <br /> <br />Mr. Qamhieh agreed there should be sidewalks for children to get to school. Tourville <br />questioned the sidewalk issue and asked how this would be addressed? Nyberg explained <br />it would be an issue the City Council would address in the developers agreement. <br />Tourville asked what happen to the sidewalk issue from the last meeting? Nyberg <br />explained the city requires sidewalks on 9 ton collector street"s, Lakeland Hills will have 7 <br />ton street. <br /> <br />Tourville asked how much traffic should the city expect from the development to the <br />school? Mr. Black explained the school will have a back door provided for children <br />walking to school and when the school expands a path will be provided. The school has <br />seen the plan and are comfortable as it is. Tourville asked if the trail should be an <br />easement? Nyberg explained the city should identify the walk way as an outlot or trailway <br />easement. Mr. Black explained he wouldn't want an easement because of the value of the <br />homes and the salability. <br /> <br />Broussard- Vickers suggested since the one lot is being vacated, provide an access to the <br />school there instead of through the northern lot. Nyberg suggested approval contingent <br /> <br />3 <br />
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