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<br />~.... .. <br /> <br />Planning and Zoning Meeting January 7, 1997 <br /> <br />Mr. Schweppe asked "What was the proposed width of the road from Centerville Road <br />since it was constructed at 34 feet?" Mr. Kytonen said the width of the road right of way <br />will be 60 feet with a 34 foot road. <br /> <br />March mentioned the City Engineer has not submitted comments on this development. <br />Tourville suggested Planning and Zoning have an opportunity to review the engineers <br />comments prior to approval. <br /> <br />Hatem Qamhieh, 7251 Clearwater Drive, questioned the water run off to the creek and <br />requested directing the drainage to flow to the west away from the creek. Mr. Black <br />explained the storm water system directs the water flow away from the creek but some <br />water will flow into the creek. Mr. Qamhieh said there must be protection since the creek <br />is eroding and wondered what there is for protection. Tourville asked ifthere is a <br />sedimentation pond needed. Mr. Black commented during construction the creek will be <br />protected from sediment and erosion. Mr. Qamhieh mentioned several years ago the <br />creek was about 7 feet wide now it is 15 feet wide, he felt it was due to run off from <br />developments. Mr. Qamhieh suggested directing water to Centerville Lake instead of the <br />creek. <br /> <br />Bill Lalonde felt too much building is going on, at least until the school, sewer system and <br />water towers catches up. Mr. Lalonde requested Planning and Zoning not put this before <br />the council on January 8th. Mr. Lalonde said for the record "He is not in favor of this <br />development although this is a nice development". Mr. Lalonde was not in favor of any <br />encroachment on the pines and rough trees on the property and suggested the roughest <br />trees be taped off for protection. Mr. Lalonde recalled an artesian well on the west side of <br />the property. Lots 8, 9, and 10 of Block 3 will not be able to be filled. <br /> <br />Mr. Lalonde is against allowing the city to accept park dedication fees in place of park <br />dedicated land. If the City is not able to maintain the park, they should slow down on <br />development. Mr. Lalonde feels the drainage should be addressed. Further, a minimal <br />digging time should be allowed and if exceeded, apply a penalty of$500.00 per day. Mr. <br />Lalonde felt re-sodding instead of re-seeding is necessary and he is for a moratorium on <br />building in the city. <br /> <br />Bob Knabe, 7241 Main Street, questioned the drainage on Main Street since it appears the <br />drainage is collecting on his property, north of the proposed development. Mr. Knabe <br />suggested cleaning the culverts out so the water runs free and doesn't back up. <br /> <br />Mr. Schweppe suggested placing the Hensel home in another area to avoid an eye sore. <br />Mr. Black mentioned it is a very nice home and Royal Oaks would do what they can to <br />match the Hensel house with the other new homes. <br /> <br />Tourville asked if the Police and Fire Department wanted Centerville Road to go through? <br /> <br />3 <br />