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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 03-03-10 <br /> <br />overview of the project as well as answered questions from Mr. Wilharber and Sonya Murray <br />regarding how the park may affect the abutting St. Genevieve property. Mr. Statz stated they are <br />within days of submitting the project to MNDOT. This project has been in the works for over a year <br />and was rushed through last spring in the hopes of qualifying for stimulus funding, which did not <br />come through, but the planning continued as part of the MNDOT Federal Grant. The City has been <br />acquiring easements, which is a lengthy process, but as that portion is completed the project will be <br />ready to go out for bids. The committee discussed the cost estimate which is just for the two parks <br />and only a portion of the entire project. Previously the committee had opted to remove the kiosk, <br />which would be a trailhead map area and the pergola as the price estimates were too high. The <br />committee felt there could be a less expensive option for the kiosk. There was space left in the plan <br />for a future pergola. Also removed were pedestrian lights (3) along the trail. Mayor Capra <br />questioned leaving the pergola and kiosk in the bidding process as alternates and the committee agreed <br />that would be a good idea. Mr. Statz will add these items as alternates. <br /> <br />Mr. Statz went over some of the features; the main focus will be the circle fountain, the concrete <br />surrounding the fountain will be colored with one foot sections of exposed aggregate or textured <br />concrete between the circles. The water from the fountain will flow towards the perimeter and be <br />pumped back into the fountain. The electrical for the fountain will be located south west of fountain <br />amongst some plantings. In the design plan labeled L504 in the upper right hand corner detail is <br />shown of the curbing around the exterior of the fountain, it will be sandblasted and kept wavy with the <br />intention of keeping skate boarders off the surface. It will also be posted as No Skate Boarding. The <br />words ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’ in multiple languages will be added as inserts into the <br />surrounding concrete walk (L402) instead of actually engraving the granite centerpiece. It was <br />questioned whether the fountain would run 24/7 and Mr. Statz said it would be on a timer. A concern <br />also was the depth of the water and whether it would be a hazard to children. Mr. Statz stated the <br />floor of the fountain will be sloped, so that there will be no pooling. <br /> <br />There is a grassy area to the west which originally the landscape engineer proposed planting a low <br />grow, low mow mixture of grass, but the committee would prefer regular grass. It is a fairly small <br />piece as far as mowing is concerned and the committee would like to make it look as nice as possible. <br />Also briefly discussed were benches, bike racks, trash receptacles and plantings. A drinking fountain <br />is in the plan located east of where the pergola would be located. The committee discussed the variety <br />of trees being planted and benefits of each. Mr. Statz stated some of the larger ones are proposed to <br />get an overhead canopy so the fountain doesn’t look so big. Mr. Johnson suggested Birch or Locust <br />to get more of a see through effect. <br /> <br />Mr. Statz stated the project should be out for bids and ready for construction by the end of July. <br /> <br />Mr. Wilharber, as a trustee of St. Genevieve stated one of the things the parish is concerned about is <br />that the church’s sign will be blocked by the fountain and by the future development of trees. Mr. <br />Wilharber commented the Church Trustees would have liked to have had input from the beginning of <br />the project, but moving forward they would like the committee to be mindful of the sign and perhaps <br />consider moving it. The committee had previously discussed this item and as the project progresses <br />there is a probability the sign will be moved. There is now a signed easement agreement between the <br />church and the City for a trail easement for land on east side of the church property with the City <br />providing the church with some funding for plantings along that trail to construct screening. This trail <br />does not involve the parks, but will connect to it. The church’s annual dinner is in August and Mr. <br />Wilharber would like to request that there is no construction equipment left in the area during that day. <br />2 of 8 <br /> <br />