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4/9/2010 8:09:41 AM
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4/9/2010 8:09:40 AM
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Wayne LeBlanc's Tra� Concerns <br /> Mr. LeBlanc requested permission to send a letter to Met Council requesting they send <br /> Centerville a copy of the and plans for the trail construction around Centerville <br /> Lake. <br /> Mr. March offered to send a letter to Met Council requesting any/all information/maps. <br /> Mr. LeBlanc questioned the Park and Recreation Committee on their opinions of the <br /> width of the trails. Mr. LeBlanc felt the trail and easements should be expanded from 20 <br /> feet to 30 feet. He didn't feel 20 feet was wide enough. <br /> Mr. Mazch e�lained that he spoke with the City Engineer and the Engineer informed <br /> him that 20 feet wide for a trail and easement is typically the standard width in most <br /> communities. <br /> Mr. Larson stressed that traiLs should go in first — before any homes are built. <br /> Mr. Palzer mentioned that property owners are taking care of the easements abutting the <br /> trails, and are doing a very nice job at keeping them well kept. <br /> It was the general consensus of the Park and Recreation Committee to have Ms. Lien <br /> send a letter to the City Engineer on behalf of the Park and Recreation Committee <br /> requesting the following actions be taken to alter any and all developers agreements to <br /> the following: <br /> 1. Leave the width of the traiLs and easements at 20 feet. � <br /> 2. Install any trails before construction of any homes by using class five. <br /> 3. Place a barrier/fence along each edge of the trail during construction. i <br /> 4. Install signs indicating "future trail". <br /> 5. Pave the trail when the adjacent homes are complete. <br /> Wayne LeBlanc's Long Term Vision Request <br /> Mr. LeBlanc explained he was concerned that some of the long-term visions of the <br /> Design Team are being forgotten. He already approached City Council on the idea of <br /> starting a"Long Term Vision Committee" consisting of himself and T'heresa Brenner. <br /> 'They are looking for a small budget to start implementing some of the visions that are <br /> bein� lost, and would like to get more community involvement. They are willing to work <br /> with whoever it takes to connect our trail with Hugo. <br /> Mr. March e�cplained that the Council was concerned that all of the <br /> committees/commissions be made awaze of the propased Long Term Vision Committee. <br /> The Council didn't want any member of a committee/comtnission to feel as though this <br /> new committee was moving in on their committee/commissions decisions. Mr. March <br /> also stressed that the City doesn't want to get citizens involved, working on projects that <br /> the City Council does not ultimately support. <br /> 6 <br />
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