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. . <br /> � Area F: Circular Trail around Centerville Lake <br /> The best route for a circulaz trail around Centerville Lake is on the south side of County 14. Property in and around <br /> Watexwsarks may sQOn be deyeltaged. Qther prszg�rt� just sqt}th pf 11�ound Tzail on C�ua�ty 14 nnay also be <br /> developed at some poin� and when that happens, a trail couid be designed aud built rvith the developmen� The <br /> ur�cy_here is to establish the specifications for the trail so that deveiopment of the areas is done consistent with <br /> the inclusion o�a trail as shown <br /> Area �G. �N�rgo Natu� Center <br /> Anoka County Parks already has a plan to construct a trail from azea H to the Wazgo Nature Center in phase 2 of <br /> their park plan. <br /> Area H• Trail Connections <br /> Area H shows #he Anoka. Chain of Lakes trail connecting to Lino Lakes to the west and eve�tually connecting to <br /> other irails that will nm th.roughou, t the Ivlet�rQ �re� �n�. �Zeyond! <br /> Area I: Lamotte Park to Main 5treet, and St Paul Water Pronertv <br /> The largest park in Centerville is Lamotte Pazk located in Area T. A connection from Lainotte Park to Anoka Pazk <br /> has just been completed and is in heavy use. To complete the Centerville Lake loop, a trail is needed from Lamotte <br /> Park to Main Street. Jnst t�a the nnrth of Lamc�ite Park is chwch grqg�riy whiGh of�'�rs p4t�ntial for a ixail Qff+he <br /> road. In addition, the streets by the church offer potential to be closed off to auto trat�c offering a trail free of <br /> automobiles (in addition to a nice pedestrian space). At Area I, the St Paul Water Utility has property that may come <br /> up for sale in a couple years. This area, being right acrass the street from Lamotte Park would make a great <br /> lak�shore park and pier, possibly jointly owned by Centerville and Lino Lakes. <br /> Area J: Centerville Trail South <br /> A current easement tbrough Area J is perfect for a trail to be constructed as this land is developed. A trail from I to I <br /> Cent�nrille R.Qad was ju,.et ct�mglet�si. Th�s �� uld �ompl�te a loop tlu4ugh th� h�art o� ��nt�vill�. <br /> _ <br /> Area K, L. and M: Water Utilitv Easement Trail to Future Lino Lakes Recreational Park <br /> Area K has a St Paul Water Utility easement that could provide a trail between Lamotte Park and a�uture Lino I <br /> Lalces Recreational area at Area L. St Paul Water Utility would allow such a trail with certain conditions. This trail I <br /> could continue s�i�th c��n th� Wat�' I Iriliiy �as�ment to parks aud trails tQ th� sQUth, anil Xh� advantage is t�� trail xs <br /> separate £rom the road. A wildtife area offers potentiai at Amelia Lake, in addition. i <br /> Summarv ' <br /> As a follow on to the Minnesota Design Team visit in Centerville, a`"Trails, Parks, and Lakes" committee formed <br /> and C4I1S1i�.e2'? nu?*��TS�u� �lt.�rnativ�s. '�'h� p1an, siescribed is the result o€ �. y�ar's ws�rtb Qf qiti�en iiiscuss�ons and <br /> parricipation and another year of coordination wi#h surrounding communities. The plan fits well with the eazisting <br /> plans of surrounding communiries and governmental uuits. Centerville, Hugo, Lino Lakes, Anoka County, and <br /> Washington County are poised to provide a fabulous trail system that wou�d bene�t everyone. <br /> CQntact tLp City pf C�ute�zrill�, (S 1-42.9-3 ,2,3? ox Wayn� LeBlanc, 651-42.�-926$ fpr fiurth�r d�tai�s. <br /> 3 <br />