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Yage 1 ot 2 <br /> Jim March <br /> To: WIR Subscribers <br /> Subject: Week in Review <br /> Week in Review <br /> October 27, 2U00 <br /> Building Permits this Period = 8 <br /> Buiiding Permits YTD = 164 - <br /> New Homes Year to Date = 44 <br /> ,�,�****�*****�****,��****���****�*��*�*�*,�,��*�***��*,���****,���,��***�*******� � <br /> * The Planning and Zoning Commission has had two workshops and has two additional <br /> workshops scheduled in regards to creating a new sign ordinance. It is expected that this <br /> ordinance will be completed and ready to present to Council by the end of November. We <br /> got a lot accomplished at our last meeting. <br /> * The Park and Recreation Committee held a successfiul informational meeting last night. I <br /> The Council Chambers were filled to capacity by those interested in providing input on a <br /> BMX park, skateboard park or in-line skating park. The committee is continuing to work on <br /> a solution for this demonstrated need. <br /> * The Uon's Haunted House is operating tonight and tomorrow evenings from 6:00 -9:00. <br /> We have hayrides and free refreshments. A bonfire is also operating each night with the <br /> community-wide bonfire scheduled for Saturday night. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy some <br /> small town fun! <br /> * The Centerville website has been completely updated with current information. We are <br /> also planning to pface approved minutes on the website as soon as possible. We have <br /> been experiencing some technical difficulties with our community access channel. We had <br /> Alpha �deo come out to address the problem. We are planning to run the two candidate <br /> tapes every hour on the hour up to efection day. We plan to rebroadcast Council meetings <br /> after the elections. We only have two tapedecks available for playback, so we are limited <br /> in the number of tapes we can playback over the system at one time. We are ordering a <br /> new supply of quality tapes to be used for recording meetings and events. The ones that <br /> we have are old and are producing a less than desired end product. We wil{ order the <br /> tapes through the media center to receive a more favorable price on these tapes. <br /> '` The trail was paved this week in Acorn Creek Park. It turned out great. Arcade Asphalt <br /> has always done a good job for the City. <br /> * The County Bank is scheduled to open on Monday. Our local businesses are getting <br /> very active right before winter starts. New landscaping is being completed in front of the <br /> Northern Forest Products building. Goetz Landscaping is doing the job and is matching the <br /> landscaping to the theme that they have in front of their own building. It Iooks great! <br /> 10/27J00 <br />