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ra�e � or � <br /> bonfire all evening. I estimate that there were 40�-500 people in attendance throughout <br /> the evening. Donated food is being delivered to the foodshelf. The Haunted House made <br /> ' approximateiy a$500 profit. Funds are being accumulated towards a shelter house in <br /> LaMotte Park. Watch for upcoming fundraisers. The Lion's Cadillac Dinner is the next big <br /> event along with a benefit steak fry that is scheduled for December 16th. <br /> • I received the appraisal on the Turcotte duplex this morning. The appraised value is <br /> almost identical to the asking price. I will be providing this information to City Council at <br /> the next meeting. <br /> * I have been informed that all of the City snowplowing equipment is ready and operationai <br /> in advance of any future storm. Hopefu!!y this first big snowfall will hold off until wel) into <br /> December! <br /> * Enjoy your weekend! <br /> 11 /3/00 , <br />