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,� <br /> to indicate only two (2) police vehicles will be parked at the public works building; on <br /> page 13 to reference the Lion's storage building rather than the old, red, concession <br /> stand. <br /> Council Member Sweeney requested the following changes: On page 6 change Council <br /> Member Sweeney's comment regarding Parks & Recreation Committee to indicate Parks <br /> & Recreation was unaware of a width difference in the trailways when the trailway was <br /> approved; change the language of the paragraph concerning additional cost to maintain <br /> the wider trailway to specify that the City will not really incur any additional costs to <br /> widen the trailway as the trail will have to be maintained despite the width; on page 9 <br /> change the motion regarding Trio Inn to read as a"fine" not a"donation". Also correct <br /> motion to read by Sweeney, seconded by Travis, with a friendly amendment by Mayor <br /> Wilharber, agreed to by Sweeney and Travis to draft a letter from the City to the State <br /> regarding the imposed fine; Page 13, in the motion by Sweeney, correct the motion to <br /> include the request for an appraisal of the entire block including all the houses on the <br /> block, the duplex and the church property. <br /> Motion by Council Member Sweeney, seconded bv Council Member Travis to <br /> approve the October 11, 2000, City Council Meeting Minutes with the noted <br /> changes. All in favor. Motion carried unanimousl� <br /> VI. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS <br /> The City of Centerville October 12, throu�h October 25, 2000 <br /> Motion by Council Member Sweeney, seconded by Council Member Travis to <br /> approve the expenditures for the City from October 12, 2000 through October 25, <br /> 2000. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Centennial Fire District Expenses <br /> Mayor Wilharber noted the equipment cost of $181,630.00 was for the purchase of the <br /> new fire engine tanker with a 65' ladder. <br /> Council Member Sweeney indicated a call was received for assistance with the Carlos <br /> Avery wildfire on Thursday afternoon. He indicated the main firefighting effort far the <br /> Centennial Lakes Fire District was from Thursday afternoon all through the night into the <br /> early morning hours of Friday. The tanker was then used Friday through Sunday to assist <br /> in fighting the fire. <br /> Mayor Wilharber thanked the firefighters for their efforts. <br /> Motion bv Council Member Sweeney, seconded by Council Member Broussard <br /> Vickers to approve the Centennial Fire District Expenditures in the amount of <br /> $185,094.44. All in favor. Motion carried unanimouslv. <br /> Page 2 of 8 <br />