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2001-11-06 P & Z (2)
Planning & Zoning
2001-11-06 P & Z (2)
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5/9/2006 3:00:58 PM
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1/18/2006 1:59:16 PM
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new development and said that she is not in favor, personally, of adding any more private <br />roads to the development. <br /> <br />Commissioner McLean indicated he drives on Dupre Road and it is darker than other <br />streets. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers commented that it is dark in a lot of areas in the City. <br /> <br />Commissioner McLean questioned whether there is a third-party safety survey that could <br />be done to determine whether the lighting is inadequate. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers commented that Council may not be willing to order <br />a study that the City would have to pay for due to budget constraints. <br /> <br />Commissioner McLean commented that not looking into the safety of the development to <br />determine if it is inadequately lit could open up the City to liability if a child were to be <br />hit and that liability could far outweigh the cost to add a few street lights. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers commented that drivers are not supposed to overdrive <br />their headlights and commented that she felt someone would be hard pressed to prove <br />that the City is liable for an accident due to inadequate lighting. <br /> <br />Motion by Commissioner DeVine, seconded by Commissioner McLean to <br />recommend that Council carefully consider the lighting in Eagle Pass. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wilharber indicated he was on the Council at the time Eagle Pass was <br />brought in and it was a PUD which was something very different. He then commented <br />that Council spent a lot of time discussing the aspects of the development and finally <br />approved the development based on the City Engineer’s recommendation. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wilharber suggested the residents petition the City for streetlights and <br />have the City assess the cost back to the homeowners for the cost of those streetlights. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Broussard Vickers commented that adding more street lights adds to the <br />City’s ongoing streetlight expenses. She then commented that there are other streets that <br />are just as dark in Centerville and said that light pollution is also a consideration in this <br />matter. <br /> <br />Chairperson Hanson clarified that the motion is to recommend Council look at the <br />situation to determine whether it is dangerous and not to recommend that Council <br />approve additional streetlights. <br /> <br />Commissioner DeVine indicated he did not think anybody would be able to determine <br />whether it is dangerous or not and said his motion was to ask Council to carefully <br />consider the lighting and make a decision. <br /> <br />Page 19 of 24 <br /> <br />
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