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. <br /> 11�otion by IV�r. Waltea�, seco�ded by 1V�r. Porter to al�ow Mr. Le�lax�c tv for�varc� <br /> �o�ies of #�e �raposed Futaare C�ncepta��1 '�a•a� 1VIa� to tl�e a�a�ropr�ate paa�aes <br /> in�olved. 'V{7alter, ��rtea-, I.e�lanc, Petersom — aye. �De�ie�e — I�iay. 1Vlotion c�rries�. <br /> 2001 Bud�et <br /> T'he Parks a�d Recreation Co�nmittee di.s�ussed the goals acl3ieved in tlye year 2�3Q0, and <br /> were pleased that most of the goals were accomplished. Nir. LeBlanc suggested the <br /> commi�tee "�srainstorm" on wba�t they �ro�tld like to see aceomplished in the year 2Q01. <br /> The �a�mittee campiled the folla�ring goals aa�.d c�ntacts for the year 20�1. � <br /> Goa1 Contact Persan <br /> Curb / Gutter (Lalt�oitte Park) Doug i�orter <br /> Sl�ate Park (�oner�te rink, trail to rink) Jill Lien / Tedd Peterson <br /> Ligizting Karla LleVine <br /> �Iectricity to �alt fields (LaMotte Park� T�ar1a I3e�Iine <br /> St. Paul �Vater Utility Property Doug Porter <br /> Timbers at McBride Pa.rk Brian Walter <br /> T'ennis Courts , Future <br /> around Royal Meac�ows �ark (dvetlanc�) Karla DeVir�e <br /> Trait at Eagle Pass (overlay) Future <br /> Turf at a11 parks (replenish/weed control) Tedd Peterson <br /> Satellites / �atellite enclosures (naturai) �rian �Valter <br /> Park elean-up AJ1 i <br /> Lions Clui�.requests Future <br /> 1VE�V �US�SS <br /> Hail Damage / Roof I�e�la.cement <br /> Mr. Peterson �xplained tbat last year when the bad starzns came through town, app�rently <br /> there was some hail damage to the buildings at Laurie La1l�Iotte and Tracie MeBride <br /> Parks. Mr. Petexson questioned wh� is re�ponsible for the repairs, adding that he felt <br /> insurance shouid eover the re�airs. After d.iscussion, the carmmittee requested 1Vir. <br /> Psterson taJk to Nir. March and �VTr. Palzer regarding the situation. <br /> Ice �ink Attendants <br /> The ca�ittee discu�sed th� performa.nce of last years' ice rink attenc�ants, along with <br /> issues and concerns t�at will need to be addressed with �he u�coming new attendants. <br /> Mr. Peterson volunteered to supervise the aa��nnk attendants a.nd overall upkeep af the rink <br /> due to the fact that he a.lready visits the rink on a daily basis �or ma.intenance purpases. <br /> I�s. Lien e�lained that in the past, any attendant vvho is interested in working as an <br /> , attemdant ag�.in ir� the current year has "seniorit5�'. The pay for the position was <br /> ad�ertised at �7.50 -$5.00 per hour, depending �n expErience. If the applicant chooses <br /> � t� came bac� in tl�e following year, they would r�ceive a pay ir�crease of ��.25 per hour. <br /> Interest in these �ositions �ias a.lready been expr��sed. <br /> 3 <br />