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. <br /> Ea.�le Park Satellite <br /> Af�er some discussion the Committee made the following mation: <br /> Motion by Ms. DeVine, seconded by Mr. Porter to request Public Works move the <br /> satellite at Eagle Park around the corner to the east side of the trail, behind the <br /> trees. Porter, DeVine, LeBlanc Walter — aye. Peterson — nay. Motion carried. <br /> Softball Fields <br /> Ms. DeVine explained she nad been contacted by Mr. Todd Hasse1 who requested <br /> reserving the softball fields every Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 — 7:30 p.m., for a <br /> period of four (4) weeks, prior to game season, Ms. Lien e�lained that Mr. Hassel also <br /> contacted her, prior to Ms. DeVine. She had explained to him that he would have to <br /> submit a letter to the Parks and Recreation Committee for approval by the entire <br /> Committee. <br /> Mr. Peterson commented that the Centennial Little League strictly enforces the nile of ��� <br /> "first come - first serve basis," and tha.t he, as a softball coach, has to arrive at the field by ', <br /> 4:15 in order to get one for his team to practice on. If there is already a team there, it is I <br /> his responsibility as a coach to get there earlier ne�rt time. I <br /> The Committee elected not to grant use of a field to Mr. Hassel. Ms. DeVine will contact � <br /> Mr. Hassel with the response. ', <br /> Com� Plan Uvdates �� <br /> Mr. LeBlanc wanted to touch base with the Committee before he contacted Mr. March ', <br /> with his recommendations for upda.ting the Comp Pian. He feels the Parks and ��� <br /> Recreation Committee should a"mission statement" included in the Comp Plan. He ', <br /> drafted a statement for consideration by the Committee, as follows: I <br /> The mission of the Parks and Recreation Committee is to make recommendations � <br /> relating to Park and Recreation resources and activities to the City of Centerville. <br /> The recommendations should strive to provide value for whatever resource may <br /> be allocated, whether it be money, space, or people's time. The scope of the <br /> Parks and Recreation Committee includes but may not be limited to: parks, park <br /> equipment, children/youth/adult recreation activities — both organized and <br /> unorganized, traiLs, pedestrian routes, and environmentat quality of life. <br /> ,� -�� <br /> Mr. LeBlanc also mentioned that he would like to see�'development plans brought <br /> before the Parks and Recreation Committee more than one time for approval by the <br /> Committee. <br /> DISCUSSION ITEMS <br /> 5 <br />