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NATURAL RESOURCE GOAIS AND POLICIES <br /> It is the goal of the City of Centerville to: <br /> • Maintain and enhance Centerville Lake, Peltier Lake and Clearwater Creek for <br /> future generations to enjoy. <br /> • Protect environmentat systems from unnecessary impacts of future growth and <br /> development activities. <br /> • Protect the surface waters and wetIand areas of the City to promote recreation ' <br /> opportunities, aesthetic qualities, natural habitat areas and groundwater ' <br /> recharge. ! <br /> • Maintain the open space/rural atmosphere of the community. I <br /> It is the policy of the City of Centerville to: <br /> • Prohibit new development in floodplains, steep slopes, wetlands, and other <br /> environmentally sensitive areas. ; <br /> � <br /> • Adopt and enforce wetland alteration and rrutigation requirements consistent <br /> with the Wetlands Canservation Act. <br /> • Estabtish erosion and sedimentation control standards consistent with MPCA's <br /> "best management practices." <br /> • Require that stormwater treatment ponds meet the design standards of the <br /> National Urban Runo$'Progam (NURP). <br /> • Enforce shoreland management regulations along Centerville Lake, Peltier <br /> Lake, Clearwater Creek and County Ditch No. 47. <br /> � Establish landscaping requirements for all new developments. <br /> • Promote planned unit development and clustering concepts that will result in <br /> more efficient protection of natural resources and open spaces. <br /> • Establish surface water management glans consistent with the Rice Creek <br /> � <br /> Watershed District Plan. <br /> 36 <br />