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i <br /> . <br /> I <br /> CITY OF CENTE]RVILLE <br /> P�.RK AI�tD RECRE�.TIOleI� COMI�IITTEE <br /> March 3, 1999 <br /> Pursuant to due call and noticz thereof, the Park and Recreation Committee of the City of <br /> Centerville held their re�ularly scheduled meetin� on March 3, 1999 at City Hall, 1880 <br /> Main Street. Chairperson Nlichael Navin called the meetin� to order at 6:35 p.m. <br /> Present: Ch�irperson Nlichael Navin � <br /> Don Bahneman <br /> Dale La� <br /> Tery Sweeney i <br /> � <br /> Absent: Steve Brown � <br /> Doua For'cer I <br /> Sta�: Jill Lien <br /> James Bownik <br /> AOLL CALL I <br /> Michael Navin opened up the Fublic Hea.ring by requesting James Bo�� City Intern to I � i <br /> Qive a brief summary of the ttivo (2) grants offered by the DNR. The City is applyin� for I <br /> two of the same arants one to be used at the Acorn Creek Park and one to be used at the , <br /> La.Nlotte Park. vlr. Bownik explained they are a SO% matchins �rant - each in the <br /> amount of $�0,000.00. The City would contribute $� O,OQ0.00 and �vith the m.atck of <br /> $50,000.00, there wouId be appro;rimately $100,000.00 for each park. The money could <br /> be used for City park improvements such as: play�round equipment, picnic shelters, <br /> conczssion stand, soccer fields, benches, trash receptacles, lights BBQ stands etc., at both <br /> parks. <br /> Nlichaei Navin mentioned receipt of a packet of infonnation submitted by the Centerville <br /> Nei�hborhood Network Committee which included surveys tal�en the week of �ebruary <br /> 20th. The results of the surveys are in the form of Qraphs and charts indicatin� what the <br /> neiahborina residents would like to see in the park, the name ofthe park, other statisticaI <br /> infornation and letters of support. <br />