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Monica Travis (7335 Brian Drive) was in agreement with Ms. Lien. Addin�, there are 20 <br /> acres north of Acorn Creek that are being developed - this will bring more kids. Monica <br /> felt this park should be designed for kids and adults to use. Monica questioned if there <br /> would be additional tra.f�ic and where parking would be. Adding, there is a proposed trail <br /> and perhaps parkin� could be at a different location_ She questioned if grant funds could <br /> be used to secure a parking lot. <br /> Dale Larson thou�ht parking was pla.nned ail along at the Acorn Creek Park. There are <br /> currently three (3) parkin� spaces at Acorn Creek Park. <br /> Loren Abrahamson (1868 Revoir Street) added that his idea of a neighborhood park is <br /> defined as a park for neighborhood use - consisting of some adult fixtures and play <br /> equipment for children. <br /> Dan Nelson (1828 Revoir Street) questioned if there would be another park north of <br /> Acorn Creek Park, and the amenities that will oaer. <br /> Michael Navin mentioned the City keep in mind that with the new developments <br /> coming into town, the police department wishes to have access to the parks. <br /> Jeff Gibbons (7203 Clear Rid�e) questioned if the City will have levera�e to get access to I <br /> the parks in the future. <br /> Michael Navin stated that this is the perfect opportunity for citizen involvement in the ' <br /> future. Addin� that new developments have to �o before City Council. The City Council <br /> takes into consideration best for the City, i.e.: land for parks or money. At this <br /> time, it is premature to assume what the City will get - land or money - when the ne�t <br /> development comes to town. <br /> Dale Larson felt, in looking through the information submitted by the Nei�hborhood <br /> Network Comrriittee, that what the neighborhood wants would also be suitable for adults. ! <br /> l�lichael Navin questioned the survey taken by the Nei�hborhood Network Comrriittee. <br /> Specifically, askin� which of the items on the survey are mandatory? Is a basketball court <br /> somethin� the residents really want to see? Addin�, bouncing balls are very loud, and is <br /> this something that fits into what the City wants? <br /> Lori Dorn (1836 Revoir Street) added that basketball courts may brin� more adults into <br /> the park area. <br /> Tom Fairbrother (1844 Revoir Street) stated the most difficult thin� for the Neighborhood <br /> Networic Committee is not knowing how much money the City has to work with as far as <br /> developing parks. <br /> 3 <br />