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plan. Also, noting that what the City puts in for a grant will not dictate what goes into the <br /> park. Park and Recreation will submit the plans to the City Engineer. <br /> Jeff Gibbons (7203 Clear Ridge) recommended. writing a narrative explainin� why the <br /> Neighborhood Network Committee put things where they did and the logic behind the <br /> concept. <br /> Dale Larson added that Mr. March will be explaining why the City wants things where it <br /> does. A narrative wz1l help hizn "flower it up". <br /> Michael Navin motioned to close the Public Hearing for Acorn Creek Park, further <br /> questioning if anyone had anyrthin� to say about LaMotte Park. Mr. Navin explained <br /> LaMotte Park is approximately 15 acres. The City is pursuing a Trail Linkage. Grant <br /> o�ered by the DNR in the amount of $31,800. � <br /> Jeff Gibbons (7203 Clear Rid�e) commented that he is very interested in the Linkaae <br /> Grant. Addin�, Wayne LeBlanc who is very involved in the sub-commzttees of the Design <br /> Team wants to submit a letter to the DNR supporting the grant. <br /> Nlichael Navin ended the Public Hearing on a positive note ...."Our mission is to be the <br /> aood stewards ofthe Iand." <br /> CONSIDERATI�� O�' NIINUTES , <br /> A. January 6, 1999 Park and Recreation IVleeting Minutes - tabled I <br /> B. February 3, I999 Park and Recreation Meetin� Nlinutes - tabled <br /> APPEARANCES <br /> PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS � <br /> Con�ider Park Names for Acorn C'reek a�nd Ea�le Pa s Develo men <br /> Motion bv Don Bahneman to recommend to Council the establishment of the narr�e Acorn <br /> Creek Park for the Acorn reek II Devel��ment Seconded brDale Larson A11 in favor <br /> Motion camed_ <br /> I��Iotion b;� Dale Larson to recommend to Council the establislLment of the name EaQI� <br /> Park for the Eaale Pass D�velo�ment Seconded bv Don Baltneman All in favor <br /> Motion carried. <br /> St Paul Water tilitv Surnlus Pro�ert,�A� r�ai�al <br /> No news to report at this time - the City is still waiting on the appraisal. <br /> 6 <br />