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. <br /> Mt <br /> Downtown Revitalization <br /> � Mr. Montain mentioned downtown revitalization and commented on water aud sewer services coming to <br /> the area. He also mentioned the petition Mr. DeVine had distnbuted regarding the same and it's <br /> attractiveness for businesses coming into the area. A comment was made in regards to involving EDC <br /> and businesses in downtown revitalization and the visions of Downtown Revitalization Committee. <br /> Star City Goals <br /> The upcoming Wargo Nature Center's Snow Daze was mentioned. Ms. Scheller stated that she had <br /> spoke wrth Todd Murawski, Wargo Nafiare Center, regazduig same. She mentioned that EDC could <br /> sponsor an event. EDC could provide funds for dog food and gas for the transportatio� of the dogs for <br /> the dog sled rides. Ms. Scheller stated that 1VIr. Murawski said that in 1999 approa�imately 200 people <br /> attended this event and 92% of same were residents of the area. 5ome of the options Mr. Murawski <br /> mentioned were sponsoring dog sled rides (the cost $75 -$100 for the event) or snow sculpting events <br /> and/or prize moneY- <br /> Ms. Scheller also mentioned that EDC could hang a banner at the Snow Daze event and distribute flyers <br /> that contained coupons from local businesses at the businesses that had foot traffic. <br /> Mr. Rehbine was in favor of sponsoring tl�e dog sled rides. <br /> Ms. Capra concurred with Ms. Scheller's flyer suggestion. <br /> A mat�on was made by Ms. Capra to spansvr the dog sled ride for $lOt� and banners nvt to eaceed <br /> �200. Motion died for lack of second. <br /> Ms. Scheller stated that County Bank was participating in the event and sponsoring cookies. Ms. Capra <br /> suggested that Ms: Scheller speak with Mr. Magill in regards to sponsoring gas coupons. Mr. Montain <br /> offered ta danate prize money on bebalf of #he Trio Inn. <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Rehbine to sponsor the dog sled rides up to $100 and to have a banner <br /> made but not to e�ceed $200, and to cover the cost of the flyers and coupo�as. Seconded by Ms. <br /> Dorn. AIl in favor. Motioned carried unanimously. <br /> NEi�V BUSINESS <br /> Bv-laws <br /> , The by-laws were briefly discussed. 1VI�s. Capra. men#ioned that she would like to see ali by-laws for all <br /> committees to be standardized with a list of committee duties attached. <br /> Term of Office <br /> The terms of office were briefly discussed and con�ensus was that the Chair and Vice Chair positions <br /> were a one (1) year term. <br /> Ms. Aimee Fairbrother was present and the meeting and submitted a letter of interest for one (1) of the <br /> EDC vacancies. <br />