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1999-12-01 Agenda Packet
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1999-12-01 Agenda Packet
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4/28/2010 7:52:45 AM
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4/28/2010 7:52:36 AM
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3. Attempt to ensure a connection to the Wargo Nature Center. <br /> Witl� #1 acl�ieved, d�is is acl�ieved altl�ough it may not be the "shortest" route. <br /> 4. Connect Lamotte Park to 20th. <br /> Tl�ere are pla�is to add another pipe to an easement area just south of Lamotte Park straight east to 20"'. This is <br /> apparently called the Centerville Interceptor project and offers an opportunity to put a trail running east/west <br /> between Centerville road and 20`" starting j�st south of Lamotte Park. With the di� ;in; scheduled for tt�e new <br /> �ine, a trail could be consturcted for not much more money. Now wouid be the time to install the traii, before <br /> tlie land to ti�e south is developed. This trail is hi�hl�recommended for two reasons. First, it will allow <br /> Centerville residenGe safe and convenient access to Lamotte Park. Second, when a connection is made to the <br /> Hugo trail, this route is tied nicely to tl�e Anoka Park trails and it offers a route diat is not near a busy street. It <br /> also runs close to a possible Greenway route, if d�at ever happened. In addition, a trail should also go along <br /> County 14 from Centerville Lake to the east border of Centerville on the narth side of Main street <br /> 5. Connect to the Hugo trail. ' <br /> There are apparently plans for a trail to go from St Paul to Duluth through Hu�o. A connection to that trail � <br /> would be possible from 20"' on a possible "Greenway" along Clearwater Creek easi, or, perhaps it could run on <br /> County 14 east to Hu�o. Pezhaps both would be a benefit. <br /> 6. Complete a trail along Main Street. I <br /> To complete the circle, run a trail from Centerville Lake downtown, to 20"' Ave. In the short term, construct a I <br /> trail on the nor[h side of Main street (see Design Team plans) and in the long term, pat trails on both sides of <br /> Main street (again, see the Design Team cross section plan). <br /> 7. Complete a circle route around Centerville Lake. <br /> Property just north of tt�e rectory seems available for purchase. Anoka County is apparently acquiring this <br /> property. This land is key to the Design Team idea allowing access to the lake as a scenic overlook and a route <br /> for a trail to circumnavigate Centerville Lake. If at all possible, this land should be acc�uired for those pur�oses. <br /> 8. Investigate other possible trails or loops in the city. <br /> 20"' street may offer some trail possibilities, and there may be other areas where trails may be desirable. <br /> (11/30/99 T6ere is plan of a trail from White Bear Lake to Anoka Chain of Lakes Park — check this o�t...) <br /> Lakes <br /> 1. Provide lake access and a fishing pier at Lamotte Park. <br /> Jim March ex�lained that some St Paul Water Utilit�lakefront maybe available for purcha.�e, and that it is right <br /> across from Lamotte Park. The timin�,and opportun�_couldn't be better! Apparendy, the lease has been � <br /> extended 2 years, so that would be the time to pursue this possibility. Public parking will be available in Lamotte ' <br /> Park and a fishing pier would be ideal. Jim explained that a$20k grant is available from the DNR. Peltier Lake <br /> has a fishinD pier beca�se of similar grant fands that were available. <br /> 2. Provide lake access and an overlook downtown. <br /> As explained in the trails sec[ion #7, lakeshore property just nortt� of the rectory is key. If this property is not <br /> acquired now, the city or Anoka County may never get another chance. I believe Jun Mazch said there was a <br /> Natural Scenic grant that miDht cover some of this cost. Also, Mike Pressman (651-312-1000) of 1000 Friend of <br /> Minnesota expiained there may be grants available for such "more open space" projects. <br /> 3. Provide a connection between the lakes. <br /> When County road 14 migl�t be reconsuucted, as it will need to be at some point, pursue plans for a bridge to <br /> allow small boat traffic between tl�e lakes. The bridge or whatever the construction should separate bike traffic <br /> from auto traffic to allow a safer circulaz route around Centerville Lake. <br /> Parks <br /> 1. Connect Parks with trails as much as possible. <br /> 2. Development of Parks. Equipment grants. <br /> Pursue grants and volunteer help. At Lamotte Park, instead of paving the whole parking lot, consider using <br /> special "blocks" that allow grass to grow between them. For, say, one fourth to one half of the lot, use normal <br /> paving as grass could not take constant use. But, the lot appears to be sized for the biggest anticipated gathering, <br /> and for those occasions, parking on the "blocks" would probably work very well. This allows more area of the <br /> park to look green, and, in addition, would reduce hard surface runoff pollution for the nearby lake. MnDOT <br /> may have some programs for help in landscaping. <br /> CANDIDATE ACTIONS <br /> 1. In a month or two or less, establisb a rough LONG TERM VISION. (See candidate VISION above.) <br /> 4 <br />
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