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with local authorit;ies to uisure public safety. �nforced aIl local and state laws. <br /> lnspected park anc� work site,s for safety-related problems. <br /> MAINTENANCE/EQUIPMEN'I': Coordinated with agency maintenance staff to <br /> � facilitate equipment needs for the ��ark. Kesponsible for ongoing maintenance, <br /> projects, and schedule staff to complete these tasks. Performed �reventive, <br /> einergency, and gen�ral maintenance to i�uilclings, grounds, roads, equipment, <br /> � sewage treat,ment facilities and domestic water systems. Responsible for seasonal <br /> maintenance of equipment, builclin�s, domestic and irrigation systems. Participated <br /> � in snow removal of roads and snow park areas, grooming, and signing of trails. <br /> � E�perienced in the operation of all equipr�ient necessary for park operations. <br /> 1NTERPRE I'A'I'ION: Publish u�-park netivsletter for public information. Attend <br /> rneetings and give presentations. Guest lectured at University of Idaho's and <br /> Washington State University's DeE�artmen�s of Wild Land Recreation. <br /> I <br /> May 1983 to 4�%ashin�ton Staee Yarl�s, Lyon's Ferry/Palouse Falls State Parks <br /> August 198G Head Park Ranger <br /> � ADMINISTRATIVE/PERSONNEL: Responsible for the operation, maintenance, <br /> �� and staffing of the park. Prepare intervie«� e�amination and concluct Selection <br /> process for permanent anc3 seasonal stafF under the state ��ersonnel guidelines. <br /> Pz°epare perforinance evaluation5 of' personneL take disc�plinary actions (as needed), <br /> hi�•e and terrninate employees. as required. Orient and train staff in safe and proper <br /> use of tools and equipment. Supervi5ed and participated in planned maintenance <br /> � re��airs and projects, obY,aining building and electrical permits as required by Code. <br /> Prepared bid information, obtained bids, prepared studies to justify projects and <br /> manpo�ver needs. Preparecl required agency reports. <br /> SAF'�TY & I�NFOIZCEI��TENT: Participated in iire suppreesion in the park and <br /> surrounding areas. hesponsible for boater registration and saf'ety enforcement. <br /> Directed all la«� enforcement activities �vithin park and assisted game agents and <br /> sheriff 5 deputies. as required. Directecl search and rescue operations within the <br /> park. coorciinating �vith count.e search and reseue teams. Inspect park and work <br /> si�es for safet��-relat�ed ��roblems. <br /> I�1_<1INTEN9NCE/EQUIPNZLN'I': �nacted ��rograms for la�vn care, fertilization, <br /> weed control; Set up irrigation schedules; prune and maintain trees, shrubs and ' <br /> , flo�ver beds. t�'orkea ���ith �veecl di5tz°ict to control no�ious ���eeds in non-turf areas. <br /> 1�9aintained equipment an�l records. Repair of road5, gravel and asphalt. Maintain � <br /> inter�pretive disptays and hi5tot-ical I1yon's I� err��. Responsiule for seasonal <br /> maintenance of domesCic anc� irrigation systems, buildings and equipment. <br /> C��ordinated �vith De��artmeni. of Transportat:ion for proper highway signing. Repair � <br /> and maintenance of area historical marker. i <br /> IN'PERPRE'l'ATION: Cc�nducke�l guided �va1k5 of the geology of the Eastern I <br /> ��'ashingt.on Scablands, the creat,ion of the rock 5helters, and the archeology of the <br /> Nlarmes escavation SiP.e. Ilistorical interpretation of the old L�on's Ferry. <br /> 1��Iar. 1983 to ��'ashington State Parks, Mar��hill Stat;e Park � <br /> May 1983 Seasonal Park Ranger I � <br /> Responsible for encl of the mor�th reports, money� transmittals, and campground <br /> registration. �'11so r�sponeible f'or supervis�on of seasonal maintenance �taff and � <br /> 4 <br />