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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 04-07-10 <br /> Information and registration will go out with the April 15�' utility bill and can be returned to City Hall. <br /> The flier will encourage a new opportunity to reduce, re-use, recycle. <br /> Committee Member Seeley asked committee member to sign up for a one hour time slot to person the <br /> Parks & Recreation booth. The booth will have information such as trail maps and programs available. <br /> The Good Turn 2010 event will be held April 24 — May 7, 2010 at participating businesses or a drop <br /> off site will be available at St. Genevieve's Religious Education Center on Saturday, May 8�` from 9 <br /> a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Mayor Capra said there will not be a Health Fair offered as there was just not <br /> enough participation at the last event. Items to be collected will be for the Centennial Food Shelf, ' <br /> Alexandra House, Anoka County Humane Society, Cell Phones for Soldiers and the Centerville Lions <br /> collect eye glasses, hearing aids and empTy ink cartridges. There will be a drawing for Cougar Cash. <br /> Sand Vollev Ball Court <br /> The committee is still interested in pursuing the idea of a sand volley bali court at Laurie LaMotte <br /> Memorial Park. From the information rovided b Committee Member Haiden draina e needs to be <br /> P Y g <br /> planned into system regardless of where it is located. The committee considered Tracie McBride <br /> Memorial Park, but this pazk also has a high water table and they feel a volley ball court would not get <br /> as much use at this park. Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park is the sports park. The various open areas <br /> of Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park were discussed and the committee would like to ask Mr. Paul <br /> Palzer to evaluate whether the north east comer of the park would be suita.ble. The committee is <br /> officially discarding the areas by the hockey rink and near playground. The committee would also <br /> like to know whether the gravel path from Centerville Road can be grassed over once the trail is in. <br /> Liebel Propertv on Main Street (Capra) <br /> Mayor Capra continues to research different options for funding of this property. <br /> Schwan's Super Rink — Skate Nights <br /> Centerville Skate Night has been scheduled at Schwan's Super Rink for Saturday, September 25, 2010 <br /> from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Ms. Stephan talked to Ms. Jackie Olson, our contact for the event and she said <br /> to let her know the beginning of September if the committee would like hospita.lity (cookies, hot <br /> chocolate) and an estimate of how many people will be attending. She also dropped off additional <br /> skate passes. It is advertised on the web site to stop by City Ha11 if you are interested in Free 5kate <br /> Passes for any Open Skate. <br /> Movies in the Park <br /> Committee Member Peterson was able to find much better prices on projector rentals; $125 to $250 <br /> depending on which company, how bright and shipping costs. One company's rental was $175 for an <br /> evening with a 30% discount if you pick it up and return it, opposed to it being shipped. Movie rental <br /> is reasonable at about $75. Committee Member Peterson did not have concrete numbers on a sound <br /> system yet. The committee discussed days of the week and times trying to determine what would be <br /> the best to offer Movies in the Park. In the summer it doesn't get dark until late, it would be difficult <br /> to offer a chiidren's movie that didn't start until it was dark. Committee Member Amundsen said that <br /> 7of8 <br />