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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 05 -05 -10 <br /> Fete des Lacs Parade <br /> Mayor Capra reported City Council is still considering fireworks as it was left as a line item in the <br /> 2010 budget. There is an upcoming work session where it will be discussed. Three paid parade <br /> participants are being invited, with the more expensive participants eliminated for this year. Mayor <br /> Capra is continuing to look for local bands to participate in the parade, like Centennial High School. <br /> Letters have been sent out to 144 past participants and local businesses with a registration form. <br /> Pergola Update <br /> The following motion was made by the Parks & Recreation Committee at the April 7, 2010 P & R Meeting: <br /> Motion was made by Committee Member Haiden, seconded by Committee Member Seeley to <br /> recommend City Council suggest Mr. Statz, City Engineer submit the plans for the bid process to include <br /> both options of wood timber and concrete posts for the pergola in Corner Stone Park including the <br /> footings with the pergola, having no requirement for footings if the pergola is not built. All in favor. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Statz's response via email (prior to City Council meeting 4/14/10) with respect to the Pergola: <br /> 1. I don't think we can bid it with an either /or for concrete or timber posts. They would have different footing <br /> connections, etc. If we bid it as either /or, it would be up to the contractor, not us, which would be used. If <br /> we bid them as alternates, we're then stacking alternates on top of alternates. You'd have an alternate to <br /> put the pergola in or not and then an alternate within that alternate for the selection of the posts. At any <br /> rate, it should be easy enough to get you guys some photos of each and we can decide at your next <br /> meeting. If we get it done in time, we could issue an addendum or wait and do it as a change order. Long <br /> story short, it will be more work to bid them together than it will be to change later. For now, the plans <br /> will show concrete. <br /> 2. 1 doubt we could put the pergola anywhere else along the trail and still use the grant money to pay for it. <br /> Our application was pretty specific about the idea of a trailhead type park. It really didn't talk about other <br /> amenities along the trail. Also, I'm not sure this pergola would fit in to the landscape by itself. As you <br /> mention in your notes, its purpose is to provide a sense of "scale" to the park. I'm not sure how to <br /> convince people that that is important. We've shown everyone the sort of 3 -D drawings with the pergola, <br /> etc. Aside from that, I'd just have to say: trust our Landscape Architect. Anyway, we'll have the pergola <br /> in the bid as an alternate. The footings and everything else that goes with it, will be included in that <br /> alternate. It's all or nothing. <br /> The following excerpt is from the City Council Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2010: <br /> Parks & Recreation Committee's Recommendation to Council to Authorize Bonestroo Engineering to <br /> Commence Bid Process to Construct a Pergola in Corner Stone Park. <br /> City Engineer Statz reviewed background information stating he would recommend the City Council authorize <br /> bidding only the concrete posts, stating the City could decide to change after seeing samples if they wished. It <br /> was the consensus of the Council for Staff to proceed with the bid process for concrete posts for the pergola in <br /> Corner Stone Park. <br /> Earth Day Cleanup Review <br /> The committee members who participated in Earth Day Clean up reported the parks were in a lot <br /> better shape litter -wise than they had been in past years. Since the trees were trimmed up in Eagle <br /> Park there was no evidence of a `camp' in the middle of the park. The committee reported a few <br /> 4of6 <br />