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<br />Sipature(s) must be auaranteed by a nat10118l bank or truet COllp8D' or b, a <br />brokera.e fira hav1na a member.h1p iD one of the major .tock <br /> <br />The Bond Reg1.trar will Dot effect tran.fer of th1. Bond unle.. <br />the information CODC~rD1ftg the a..1gnee reque.ted below 18 provided. <br /> <br />Naae. and Mdre..: <br /> <br />(Includ. iDfomat101l for all jotnt ow.r. if <br />this Bond i. held by jotnt account) <br /> <br />PI.... tn.ert social .ecurityor <br />other identifytnl~ DUIIlber of ...ignee <br /> <br />4.02. The Clerk-Treasurer .hall obta1.ll a cop, of the propoaact approv- <br />tq. 1...J: opiD1.OIl of LeF."ere.. Lefl.r.. lCeDIledy,. 0 'Brim &- Dr....,. _ Prof..- <br />_GIlat ....oc1ation.. MiDDeapolla,. MiDne.ota,. whiCh, ahaU be coap1ec. excepe <br />- eo. clattlla thenof and' .hall cau... the opiDtoD tcJ be priDted} OD _c:h. <br />1ODcl.... t'olether with . ce-rt1.ficate to- be 81gned.' by die facai-fl'. 8IIl'pature <br />tJE.. the CIerk-Treaaunr fa, aub.tandaJ.J.T th. fora ..e forth m ell. fora, of <br />load.. The ClerJt,-'rreaaur.r fa hern,. au.tboriae4 d1.rectacf to. execute _ <br />auclt. cert1f1cac:e fA the ..e of the City upon. receipe of 8UCh" op~ aIMl. <br />to, file die .op1.ll1olr :La the City off:1caa. <br /> <br />Sect10ll S. Security: Paymene. <br /> <br />S.Ot. The loads aha11 be pa,abl. &ea the :r.proveant:, Btmcla of 1988 <br />F1mcl' (Debt SarY1ce, JUDd) h.reby',. an4 cia. proceed.. of ~: _eraX <br />cu.. here1Dafter l.,,1ed (Taze.) and' .,.c1a1, ......-ata;. ( 1>> <br />be leric: for the 1JIpro"aents .... P1ed&e4' CD the Debt: S'erftCe 1U1lcf.. <br />If _,.. ,.,..aeof pnac1pal or iDtarut: _ the BoDcla: ahaIl bec~ .. ..., <br />there: fa DOl: .uffic1.ent: lIOn.". m the Debt: S"erYtca 1'uD4' t:o< PAT the __.. t:he <br />Clerk-Treasur.r aha!l pay auch prtnctpal: or tnt.r..e troa the ....a1 fuJMr <br />of the City and' the Service- FuDd MT b. re1JIbuned for 'ncb! .wane.. <br />out: of proc..da of ..e.81Ieata, and Taze. for the x.prov.enta _. Collect- <br />ed. <br /> <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />5.02. It 18 d.tendDed that: at lea.t 20% of the Coat of th..laprnoe- <br />_nt.a will. be .p.ciall, a......d a.aiDat ben.f1tt.d propertiea. To. ,provide <br />for the City'.. ahar. of the Co.t of the Iaprov_enta. aDd to coapl, v1th <br />MtDDeaota Statute." S.ct1on 475.61, th.r.. 18 h.reby l.,,1.d aa irrepealable- <br />AftCnJal ad valor. tax upon all taxable: property 11l thee City 1a tbe. <br />ad AIIOUnta a. follow. (year .tat.d betna ,ear of 1.", for coUect101t 1n~ <br />the' followina <br />