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<br />Section 6. Authentication of Transcript. <br /> <br /> <br />6.01. The offic.r. of the Clty are hereby .uthorized 8Dcl dlr.cted to <br />pr.par. and ful"n1.h to the and to the attorney. .pprov1nl the <br />Bonds, c.rtified copi.. of proc..dloS_ and r.cord. of the Clty rel.tinl to <br />tha Bond. and to the- f1oanci.l condition and of the City, and such <br />other certlficate., .ffldavit_ and tr.n.c~ipt. .. ..y be r.quired to .how <br />the fact. within thair kDowl.dS. or a. shown by the books and r.cord. in <br /> cu.tody and und.r control, r.l.tln. to the v.lidity and-market- <br />. abillty of the Boncl. and such 1o.trullent., lncludlo. any har.tofor.. tar- <br />ni.h.d, aball b. of the City .. to the f.ct.- .tat.d <br />th~lo. . <br /> <br />6.02.. It 1. d.t.min.d th.t no comprehen.lve- offlcl.l. atateaent or <br />proap.ctua ha. b.. prep.r.d: or clrculat.d by the Clty 10 ~OIIIlectloa v1th <br />the ul.. of the Boncla and. that the Purch...r baa aade it. own tnveatipt1oa. <br />c:oacernloc the City .. ..t. forth ln an 1.DVutment of ev:.. elate,. <br />~ec.lpt of whlch 1. acbovled..d. <br /> <br />Section 7.. SP.cial 'fax Covenllllt. <br /> <br />7.01.. (a) 'fhe. City COYenaDta IIIld .ar.e. with the holder. &0. t:1IIe. <br />to t1aa of the B'oncl. ebat it wO.J. not take or pera1t to be taka ir an)" of <br />ita offlcfta,. ~ or .._te any actlon which. would the- 1.Iltereat:. <br />.. th.. BoDd.. to.~ subject: to taxatlO1L. WlCl.r the Int.rnal leYenue COder <br />of 1986.. ... aaeDdect (the C'od.).. 11II4 th. 'rreuU)" leau1&tlon. pr..u.ated: <br />thereuncler,., 1Jt.. eff.ct at the t:De of sum actlo_.. acl that it: vtU. taka or <br />c:ause ita offlc:era., .-ploy.e. Gr' aaent. to,. all. affirmative act1oa; <br />1I1t"i~ ita power that: ...,... b. .ceaaar,. to: euur.. that auch tnunat wi1J:' <br />Ilot: becoaa Rbjeet: ~. taxattoD.: WlCler the Code and:' appllcabl.. '1.'r..~ <br />Jt.aulati~ _ prea_tl.y afat1.llC or _ h.reafter anct: ...... appU- <br />cable to' the B'0Ilda.. <br /> <br />(h,) the. City- ahall. c:oIIply _tit requtr...nta nec..A1:Y' 1IDCIer- the <br />Cod. to: _tabltak and. aa1nta1n the Bclua10ll froa &rOs. mc.. of th.. <br />1.Ilter..a: OIl. the BoDcl. UDder Sec:d.oa 103' of the Code, 1.Ilclucltac, Rthout. <br />- 1:.f.1I1tadOll> req~t. relatiDe to' tapor&r1' per10da for 1.IlY_eaea..... <br />I1It1ead.ona cnr DDanta 1.DYeat8<<t at: . )"ie14' arnt.r tIum the yie14 OIl; the <br />....." a4 the- nbae. of acea_ iDv..tlleDt. eam1J:lp', to the UD1tect Stat.. ff <br />the' IfoDCI...( wt:tIr other ob11..t:1on. zeuonalJI,. exp.ct.d to .. tuue4' <br />1.Il, calendar year 1988) BC.eeI' the _ll-t..u.r Bc.ptlon -.oune of. <br />.5.000,,000.. Por purpo.... of qua11fy1Da for the ~l ta.u.r exceptiOIt' to <br />the federa.J: arb:1tra.e rebate requlr_nt., the City f1ncls... d.ter- <br />a1.Ilea 81l4l.. that: the aarept.. face 8IIOunt of all tax-exelllpt bond. <br />(other than private activlty bonds) 1..u.d by the City (and all 8U~rcl1Dat. <br />entiti.. of the City) dur1.lla die calend.r year 1.Il which the JIODda are <br />taau.d and out.t.nclloa at one t1ae- ta not reasonably BPSct.d to exc..d <br />",000,000.. all withln the --:lna of Sectlon 148(f) (4) (C) of the COd.. , <br /> <br />7.02. The Clty further cov.nanta not to us. the proCHU of the Boncls <br />or to c.use' or pera1t th_ or any of th.. to b. used, :lD .uch _._.r .. <br />to c.use the Bond., to b. "priv.te .ctivity bonds" wlthin the .ani. of <br />S.etlou 103ancl 141 throUlh ISO of the COc:le. <br />