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<br />Cod. 14 <br />u.s. DBPAIlTMERT or TIIB IRTDIOa <br /> <br />ASSURANCE or COKPLUlfCl <br />(Titl. VI, Civil I.ipt. Act of 1964) <br /> <br />t:tftI f>> I";~~~ LJI.~ <br />. ~ <br /> <br />RDII'f AGIIIS 'fIAT IT vi1l coap1y vith Title VI of the Civil Richta Act of 1964(,.1,. <br />88-352) ..d all r.quir...nt. i.,o..d by or pureu.ut to the Dep.rtmeat of the Int.rior <br />'.aul.tioD (43 era 17) pur.uant to th.t titl., to the end th.t in .ccord.nce with <br />'ritle VI of th.t Act .nd the I.eaul.tioa, no per.on in the Unit.d Ih.ll, on the <br />around. of r.ce, color, n.tion.l oriein, .ae, or db.bUity, be .xclud.d fro. p.rticip.tion <br />ia, th." b.n.fits of, or b. oth.rvb. lubjected to diacriaination uad.r any proar_ <br />-.01" .cti-vity' for which the Applic.nt-Recipient r.ceiv.I financi.l fro. <br />~Df' f1t~ .ael hereby aiv.. ...ur.nce th.t it will <br />, lureau or 0 fice <br /> <br />(herein.fter c.U.d <br /> <br /> take any ....ur..; to, .ff.ctuat. thia aar....nt. <br /> <br />tf anT ~.l prop.rty or atructure thereon ia provid.d or t.prov.d vith the aiel of <br />feelerat/.cae. financial ..aistance ext.aeleel to the Applicant-R.cipi.nt by <br />. , this ...ur.ace._9bJia.te. the <br /> <br />l ~"cipieat: oc f.a the c.... of anY' tran.fer of such prop.rty, any truafer.. fot the <br />I .' chari.. which, the: real: property or .tructure ia u..el for & PUrpO'e involvln& the pt"o- <br />..~ . .1;. of ai1Iilar .ervices; or banefic... If uY' per.onal prop.rty is: ao provi.clael, this <br />aRr__ obIipt.. the Applicant-R.cipient for the p.d.oel durine which i.t owner.ld.p <br />.. ~eN4.0Dl of the property.. ~ all other c...., Chi. ...urance obliaat.'l the <br />Ifptlcaac-lecipieat for the period elurinl which the fed.ral/etate financi.l .aaiatance i. <br />eueadect ~. 1l: by ~ ~~~~C~) · , '. <br /> <br /> <br />'DIIS ~ fa; ci.vea. !ItCOllaider.tioll of ancl for the purpo.. of obtaininl an,.. uel: all: <br />&cleral/at:at4t &rut." toaas,. cOlltr.cta" property di,coUDt., or oth.r f.d.r.l/.tate <br />...buae. e&Ceade<t .fter th.. dat.. hereof to the Applic.nt-R.cipi.nt by the bur..U' or <br />oUi.." iDae-all_1: p.,, .ft.r .uch elate 011 accoullt of arraaa...llta for <br />federal/atat. fillaaciat aaaUtaac8' which were .pprov.d b.fore such d.te. Th. . <br /> ..1"... that .uch fed.r.l/at.te fin.ncial ...i.t.ace, witl <br />... tla., anel .ar....nt. ud. ia thia ...ur.ace, .ad <br />tIl.tth. UDitecl State./St.te of Hilllle.ota .h.ll r.,.rve the ricbt to ..ek judicial enfor"" <br />c....t of Chili ..aur.n.... 'lbia, ...uraac. i. bindi.. on the't. i.t. IUC- <br />c..aora, tr.a.fere..~ .ad ...t....., .ad the p.rson or p.rlona whOle aian.ture app..r. below <br />are ..tIaorf.aed to lip thia, ,,'uraace OIl b.h.lf of the Applic.nt-Recipient. <br /> <br />~ <br />n.te <br /> <br />,1'-101 <br /> <br />y~ tlZ. X'~~ <br /> <br />Authoriaeel SllDature <br /> <br />t$~~ <br />.' ".. aoverDMnt Appl cant <br />i <br />\q.. )-1 <br /> <br />HIIrt:F- <br />-. <br />Titl. <br /> <br />(Cod. 14) <br />lrat. . <br />