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<br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br /> <br />. <br />c.: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />SectioD 2. F1D4tD... <br /> <br />%.01. The City CoaDcil hereby declare. aDd detemiDe. that thereia a <br />.ed for Dew developmeDt iD the DevelopaeDt Diatrict &Dd nIP Di.trict: to <br />provide employaeDt opportuaitie., to improve the tax baae aDd to eDltac. <br />the .en.ral .cOD01l1 of the City &Dd stat.. . <br /> <br />2.0%. fte TIF Di.trict i. declared to b. &1l "EcOIlOll1c DeveloplUDt 'fIr <br />Diatrict" w1thill the ".D1"1 of Hil1De.ota Statute., Section 469.174, Mel. <br />12. <br /> <br />2.03.. a 1a the opiDiOD of the City CouDcU that the propo..d 4M'e1- <br />opItftt witJW:r the tD' Diatrict cou1cl DOt. reasonably be expect.d to' occur <br />wlthiD, the ~01Ulbl,.. future aDCl thatth. uae of tax ~I"'~ <br />f1..<aciDl. for pub~ mprovemenu identified 18 therefor. D.C....%y' .ul i1t <br />the publ:tc ~arut::. <br /> <br />%.04. 'lbe CJ.tT CouncU f1Dda. that: the ntt 'laa coDfoma to. the <br />..-rat pIa. fOr 4elvelopMnt of th.' City bun upon couultat.101l _tit tile <br />pl.,."& ~"..1oIl. <br /> <br />%..05.. DIe CLtT COuDcU f:l.Dcla that: the tIP PlaIr wUl afford. w-'- <br />oppo~.. C01l8DUDt: with. the .0UDCl D..d. of the City ... . wox... for <br />4ave1opMat:. o~ the n."elopllant: D:Latrict:: by pr1.vate enterpriae. <br /> <br />hcd.o& 3:.. ..ml1abmeDt of the nevelO1)M"t DtatriCe _et. 'lIB' .' Uta-: . <br />m.ct. <br /> <br />'.. . 'Die ~o&.na fa. &pprovacl~ Deve1Op1U1lt:' D1at:d:c:C 80. 1; fa eaAb- <br />ft-.'. <br /> <br />:r.o:t.. tile. ur P1D. !a adopt.ct. .n!" Diatrict: !fo.. t-t is. ..tabU''''~. <br /> <br />3\03". '1"he: CIeU.-!naaurar 1& hu.b,.. _chorDed.: act ~. t>> <br />auDit: . ca~i8ct copy of th1:a naolutiOllCOaeth.r with. . c:Rdf1eeGOp1' <br />ot:. che UF' PlAD. toodle auditor of AIloka: Cou1lq tfUh; . reque.t: ~ de <br />~~".r ......eeI;; valuation ot: che prop."" 1d.th1D. che nr Diatdct: Ie <br />cat:U1act:. to the> 'Ctt.T punuaDt: to Sac:t1oa 46"..177... SUbcl. 1. fIE the --=-<< <br />CO f:11.,. copy ~ the ttF Plu with. the JUJmeaota C_f ..ioDer ft 'tnde .. <br />E:coaoaiC'. Dav.-lo,..Dt.. <br /> <br />3'.04.. 'lb. City wUl at the appropriate tDa taka act1o& to :b.. a4 <br />..11 it. s.".ra1. oblipt:l.OD: bonc1a' punuaDt: to che nr 'laD to fm.... tbe <br />publiC cdau i4and.fi_cliD the. PlaD. <br /> <br />the _U.oa fOr the aclopt:iOD of the for-soiD&. raaolutioa ..... 41I1Y' <br /> <br />..COIlet.a by COuncilaeabar Carol Fri tch i e <br /> <br />.. aDd UpOD: vot. bd.D&; taJcea. <br /> <br />C,bereoa,. the foUoviDa vocecl ill favor cher.of: <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />~1alter Neumann <br /> <br />Tom Wilharber <br />Carol Fritchie <br /> <br />Leon L I All ier <br />