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<br />( <br />I <br />.1 <br /> <br />RBSOLUTION #81-11 <br />RBSOLUTION BIGULATING THE AUTHORIZATION or THB ISSUANCE or <br />T!HPORABY NON-INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSES. <br /> <br />NHlBIAS, the City Council of the City of Centerville met on <br />Ne~$sday, Hay 27, 1987 in the City Hall, and <br /> <br />NBllIAS, the resolution to reaulate the authorization of the <br />is.uance of temporary non-intoxicatiDa liquor licen..s was <br />diecus..d, and <br />. <br /> <br />RON, TBlRDOBIl BIl IT RBSOLVID that all prior reaolu't1oQ8 <br />re.ardina the reaulation of 'the au'thoriaa'tion of the is.uance of <br />'teIapor&r7 non-iD'toxica'tinc liquor licen.e. will be ..ended 'to <br />read : <br /> <br />1. Hours of 3.2 Beer Sale: Sa'turday - 8:00 a.m. 'to 8:00 p... <br />Sunday - 12:00 noon 'to 8:00 p... <br /> <br />2. Pre.ises mus't be vacated by 10:00 p.m. on the day of aC'tivity. <br /> <br />3. Sanitation facilities in the form of portable satellite are to <br />be provided - two in number. <br /> <br />c <br /> <br />4. Dallaae deposit is required by the Ci ty in the aaount of <br />'200.00 in the fora of money order, certified or <br />cashier's check; no personal checks. Deposit will be <br />returned to applicant after ten ( 10) day hold~ <br />Period. <br /> <br />S. Applicant for Permit will appear before City Council at least <br />'ten (10) days before the event. <br /> <br />6. Applicant is responsible for keepina traffic off of LaValle <br />Drive durina the activity or event. <br /> <br />1. The area should be cleaned of debris, cans and bot'tle. when <br />'the activity or event is finished. If the Ci't7 18 <br />required 'to clean up 'the area af'ter the event, the <br />responsible party for the event will be <br />reimburse the City for their services. <br /> <br />8. The fee for 3.2 Beer permit is set at twenty-five dollars <br />($25.00) plus five dollars ($5.00) for each day the <br />permit is to be effective. <br /> <br />9. The number of permits issued per year will not exceed the <br />number six (6). <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />10. <br /> <br />The oraanization requesting 3.2 <br />ata'tement aa follows: "Our <br />intoxicatina malt liquor does <br />annually, whereas we are not <br /> <br />Beer permit will sian a <br />aross sales of non- <br />not exceed $10,000.00 <br />subject to dram ahop <br />