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<br />I <br />'.' . <br /> <br />.,. <br /> <br /> <br />Extr.ct of M1Dut.. of M..tiDS <br />of the City COUDCU of the City <br />of Cat.rvill.', ADolea County, Mimle.ota <br /> <br />Pur8U&1lt to due call .Dd Dotice thereof . npl.r 1I..tilla of the City <br />CouDcU of the C1ty' of CeDt.rvUle, ADolea County, M1zme.ot... va. halcl at: <br />the City, Bal1 ta A1cl City 011. WedD.aday. May 27" 1987, c~c_ at: 7:'30 <br />0' elock P .H. <br /> <br />!'he ~ were: Le.on L'Mller", Richard Bob1achoJ:r.. <br />Carol Fritcbie. Floyd Iaaka <br /> <br />act" the fo1low11l& were Dant': Val tar lfeuann <br /> <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />~, <br /> <br />IESOt1JUGI ROVIDDG 10& DIE' ISS1JARC& <br />.dD~ MIJt OP $61"..000: cmi1D:u. OBLTr;4'l't01l <br />Da'IOVIIIIft BOlDS OP It&T <br /> <br />"'<, <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />'De ~ naoliadODt ... pn_~ 17' C'~,. <br /> <br />,1f'r'" +'~"'4 ,. <br /> <br />..... IIO'I'aCf n. a40pd.oD:: <br />RISOtJJ'r1OS 11). 10 <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br /> <br />U', 1%' IISOltVED' .". tJae. City CoaDc11 of the City o~ C:ateDtIIe.. <br />ADo" COaty. .u~ta (City) _ f'oUova,: <br /> <br />1. It::w- her"'"" .etem:1Dech. <br /> <br />(a> 'l'bat the fol1owiD&. publiC' 1aprOYeMIlta: (de <br />IIIp~1lt.) have b..a ..d., dulY. ordeed or CODtrac~ <br />let for the coutructioa th.r.of. .". the City' plr....e <br />to the pt'CW1.iona of II1ma..ota. Statute." Chapt.1C: 429:, <br /> <br />~- <br />