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<br />( <br /> <br />f" <br />( <br /> <br />'( <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 3 <br />CITY OF CenterviIle <br />COUNTY OF Anoka <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> <br />RESOLUTION AMENDING BY SUBSTITUTION ARTICLE VI. SECTION 1 AND ARTICLE X. <br />SECTION 3 OF THE NORTH CENTRAL SUBURBAN CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CO,"'HSSION II JOINT <br />AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF A CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYStEM. <br /> <br />WHEREAS. the Cfty af Centerville , (herefnafter "City") is an <br />existing meaber o.f the North Central Suburban Cable Cammunicatians Commissian II <br />(hereinafter "CaIDiss-ian") i and . . <br /> <br />WHER~. has made'recemmended amendments to. the Jafnt <br />and Coaperative Agrtement Fer the Administratien. Of a Cable Communicatians Syst.. <br />(hereinafter ltAgreeMntM) relating to. the vating structure. ef the Ce_issien and <br />th* financial contributians af the Members; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS. the City bel ieves it to be in its best interest to amend thtt <br />Agreement 1$ recoBDended by COlllli ss i en ;. <br /> <br />THER~rrt BE tT RESOLVED... that thct. City Council o.f the City 0,( . <br />Cente, '. ..nds' by substitution. the exfs.ting Agre_entl$ fellows: <br /> <br />t.. ~c1'e Vir... Sectian Y; is. uended' 1ft;; fts entirety as follews: <br /> <br />Sec.t1on: T.. Each M_ber shall be entitled~ to ane. ell director <br />tor. represent it. on the Coaaiss.ien.. Each director is. entit:l'ed: to. ane vote <br />for eadt., 500 subscM.bers. or fractiorr thereof' to. the- cable syst_ <br />loc.te.~ fit: tha mun1ctpal1ty representect' by- the director;. pray.feted" <br />however",.. that'each director shalT hay. at least one vote.. For pu..... <br />poses., of' this. sectian" the: nwaber of subscribers. shan be thase <br />aetuaTsubscrfbers. on December- 31 of each year detenained by the: <br />records; (If' subscribers: af" the' cable opera.tor-.. Priar- to the first <br />co.1ss.forr Meeting, (If eaclr year,.. the Secretary of the: eoBDfssfon <br />. shall ctetanai ne the: actual number af subscM bers of" each tteRlber <br />.and' certif1" th. results- to thft Chair_ <br /> <br />!' <br /> <br />2'. Artic1&' X~,. Sectian 3 is amended in its entirety as. follotG: <br /> <br />Section 3. The financial cantributians of the H_bers in <br />support of the Comfssian shall be in direct proportian to the <br />percent of annual subscriber revenues af each Member to. the total <br />annual revenues af the system multiplied by the Cammissian's <br />annual budget. The annual budget shall establish the centribution <br />