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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 05-05-10 <br /> <br />Committee Member Haiden requested changing ‘accepting the minutes as is’ to ‘with the above <br />corrections’ on page 3 of 8. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Vice-Chairperson Grahek, seconded by Committee Member Haiden, to <br />approve the April 7, 2010 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes with the above <br />corrections. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />V. COMMITTEE BUSINESS <br /> <br />Flag Pole at Cornerstone Park <br /> <br />Mr. Dallas Larson, City Administrator reported to the committee that the City will be getting a free 20 <br />foot aluminum flagpole from the City of Oak Park Heights and thought it might be incorporated into <br />Cornerstone Park. Mr. Larson asked the committee to consider whether we have a place that a light <br />could be added for the flag, either by the kiosk or the fountain area? Mr. Mark Statz, City Engineer <br />added ‘I'm sure we can accommodate another light, where ever it goes, we can run conduit to feed the <br />light’. <br /> <br />The committee discussed various locations, including Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park and determined <br />they liked the idea of placing it in Cornerstone Park. It will have high visibility and be easier to light. <br />Of the areas discussed for placement in Cornerstone Park it was decided the best place would be near <br />the kiosk and would like to ask Mr. Mark Statz to have Bonestroo’s Landscape Engineers incorporate <br />this into the plan. Ms. Stephan will pass this on to Mr. Statz. <br /> <br />VI. UPDATES <br /> <br />Flea Market / Good Turn Event <br /> <br />The committee discussed the organization of the upcoming Flea Market on Saturday, May 8, 2010, the <br />logistics of which members will be there, what time to meet, etc. This was posted earlier in the week <br />since there is potential for a quorum. 1,400 fliers were printed and sent out with the utility bills. The <br />committee also had approximately 200 additional printed to distribute. Some of the cost can be <br />absorbed by the Anoka County Score Funds as part of recycling, but some of the cost will need to be <br />incurred by the committee. There is a $5 charge per slot on the hockey rink being charged which <br />could cover these costs. Committee Member Seeley was able to acquire a banner from Coca Cola <br />advertising the Flea Market. Mayor Capra was able to do the same for the Good Turn Event. <br /> <br />The owner of All Around Rental had discussed the idea of bringing an inflatable to the park for the <br />small children, but this has not been confirmed and the City does not have a copy of liability insurance <br />at this time. Committee Member Seeley will contact the owner and remind him of the insurance <br />requirement. <br /> <br />2010 ~ 8K Run <br /> <br />Committee Member Branch updated the committee with a modified 8K budget with some expenses <br />cut; such as not needing to re-register the run, cutting down on satellites and the need for only 10 <br />radios, opposed to 20. Radios to be used with the 8K Run and the Parade were discussed at the April <br />meeting. Ms. Stephan determined that Public Works only has 2 older radios that will probably not <br />serve our purpose. Mayor Capra was discussing buying radios instead of renting them annually for <br />2 of 6 <br /> <br />