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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 05-05-10 <br /> <br />on weather or darkness. The school is available for this purpose from 6 p.m. on either in the school gym or <br />cafeteria. It is unknown if the cafeteria would actually work, but no food or beverages are allowed in gym. <br />Health standards also dictate the only food items that can be sold are ones that are opened by consumer and <br />cannot be bagged by us. This would eliminate the idea of making and selling popcorn. Committee Member <br />Peterson also reports there is a 2 hour minimum at $16 an hour with the possibly of a $55 access fee. Mayor <br />Capra suggested talking to Father Fitzgerald at St. Genevieve for the possibility of using the Parrish Center as <br />they have a large big screen TV, lighting could be easily controlled and there would be less restriction. Some <br />other groups holding events at the Parrish Center have donated $100, which would probably be acceptable. <br />This is an event the committee would like to have on a regular basis. <br /> <br />Park Maintenance <br /> <br />Some of the issues were discussed under Earth Day Cleanup. Ms. Stephan reported wood chips in the parks <br />under play structures will be taken care of by Public Works when the seasonal help is hired for the summer. <br />The slide platform at Eagle Park which residents have reported as unsafe has been brought to the attention of <br />Public Works. Mr. Palzer said it was installed to manufacturer specifications but Public Works Staff will take a <br />look at it and see if there is anything they can do. <br /> <br /> The committee briefly discussed F.Y.I. information provided in the packet. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Licensing for Playing Recorded Music at Public Facilities <br /> <br /> <br />Boy Scout Rocket Launch at Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park June 5, 2010 <br /> <br />Excerpt from City Council Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2010: <br />Mr. Tom Nelson, Cub <br />Scouts, appeared before the City Council and stated that the Cub Scouts have held their Rocket <br />Launch for the past four years at Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park and they'd like to continue to <br />hold it there this year. Mayor Capra mentioned the City has always waived fees for non-profit <br />organizations. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Broussard Vickers, seconded by Council Member Paar <br />to approve the use of Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park, June 5, 2010, for the Cub Scout <br />Rocket Launch. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Resurface Tennis Court at Eagle Park <br /> <br />Mr. Palzer received a quote 4/30/10 to fill in the pucks, cracks and resurface the tennis court in <br />Eagle Park. The quote is for $4,530.00. He requested Mr. Mike Jeziorski, Finance Director <br />please budget $5,000.00 for 2010. <br /> <br />VII. FINANCIALS <br /> <br />VIII. ADJOURNMENT <br />Motion was made by Committee Member Haiden, seconded by Vice-Chairperson Grahek to <br />adjourn the May 5, 2010 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting at 9:00 p.m. All in favor. <br />Motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br /> <br />Transcribed by Kim Stephan <br />6 of 6 <br />