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2010-06-08 Handout @ Meeting
Planning & Zoning
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2010-06-08 Handout @ Meeting
Entry Properties
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6/9/2010 4:00:37 PM
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6/9/2010 4:00:37 PM
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r <br /> residential and other mixed uses." The permitted uses in this district include <br /> traditional downtown core issues to reinforce the plan including retail, professional <br /> offices, multiple residences, etc. Traditional single family is no longer a permitted use. <br /> These decisions regarding land use and zoning are based on long range <br /> redevelopment plans. The changes called for in these plans often take years, <br /> especially considering the market conditions we are currently in. However, in light of <br /> these challenges it is important, if the City desires to see change in this area, to <br /> maintain this land use and zoning. <br /> The affect of these decisions converts the existing residential uses and structures to a <br /> legal nonconforming status. A legal nonconforming use and structure may be <br /> continued however the current ordinance limits any improvements to only normal <br /> maintenance of a structure including necessary nonstructural repairs and incidental <br /> alternations, which do not extend or intensify the nonconforming use. This limitation <br /> may inhibit an existing owner from adding a small room addition, garage addition or <br /> other expansion that provides the owner more livability prior to redevelopment. <br /> In order to maintain the long range vision for the area it is important the city keep the <br /> underlying land use and zoning, however, the City may consider an amendment to the <br /> nonconforming section that adds flexibility to existing property owners for building <br /> additions that are in conformance with the previous R2 zoning. The current <br /> ordinance contains some flexibility already in that construction of one detached <br /> accessory building, not exceeding 200 sq ft will be considered an incidental alternation <br /> to a legal non - conforming use. Also, construction an uncovered deck or porch, not <br /> exceeding 100 sq ft, fences and construction of above ground pools up to 15 feet in <br /> diameter shall be considered incidental alterations. <br /> State statue does allow expansion of a nonconformity provided it's allowed by <br /> ordinance. The City may do this through a site plan review permit approval process <br /> and can limit the amount of building addition in terms of additional building or by <br /> limits of the R -2 zoning. New ordinance text could be inserted into the City's <br /> nonconforming section as follows: <br /> (A) Nonconforming structures may not be enlarged or altered in a way that increases <br /> their nonconformity unless in compliance with the following: <br /> 1. Expansion or alteration of a structure found to be nonconforming might be <br /> permitted, provided the expansion complies with the requirements of the R -2 zoning <br /> district (including setbacks) and the additional area does not exceed 25% of the total <br /> square footage of the original structure as existing on May 23, 2006. <br /> [City Council can consider most appropriate percent limitation or remove this limit and <br /> simply rely on R -2 requirements] <br /> 2. Additions to detached single - family dwellings not meeting the required side <br /> yard setback, but not less than six (6) feet from the side lot line, may have an <br /> addition at the existing side yard setback. <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br />
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