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2004— 5000-(763) 792 Centennial High School5400 -(763) 792 Centennial Middle School5800 -(763) 792 Centerville Elementary School6000 -(763) 792 <br /> Centennial School District Office Schools: 7472-(651) 784 Emergency-Non911 Emergency Fire: 1212-(763) 427 Emergency & Animal Control:-Non911 <br /> Emergency: 4750 -(651) 429 Inspections:4750 -(651) 429 Public Works: Important Phone Numbers 3232 or visit the City’s web site for more information.-polit <br />ical party. Please contact the City Clerk at (651) 429precinct and you must declare affiliation with a major be closely related to another election judge in the same in an election <br /> or closely related to a candidate. You can not read, write and speak English. You can not be a candidate and at least 18 years of age. You must be eligible to vote, election dates. <br /> You must be a resident of Anoka County primary (September 14) and general (November 2) provide training! Your schedule must be available for the the election process? It’s a paid <br /> position and we even Are you interested in participating and becoming a part of Election Judges Are Needed! 4641.-1833 or John Thill at (651) 653—needed, please contact: Greg Keiselhorst <br /> at (651) 6538, 2004. Many events are planned and volunteers are upcoming Fete des Lacs City Celebration for August 6, 7 & The Centerville Lions have been busy planning the Fete des <br /> Lacs (City Celebration) the anticipated opening date of the skate park.asphalt pad for the skate park equipment? Stay tuned for Park will have a new asphalt parking lot and a dedicated <br /> Did you know that this spring Laurie LaMotte Memorial When is the City Skate Park Opening? Registration Form for their telephone numbers. Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota. Please <br /> look on the Good, used clothing may be donated to ACCAP or the check the fees on Garage Sale Registration Form.garbage items that you have been saving all year. Please May 15, 2004 <br /> from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to take those Waste Management will be on hand at 1694 Sorel Street on and yard signs will be available May 10 through 14, 2004.and return to City Hall <br /> by Thursday, April 29, 2004. Maps for the 1st quarter. Please complete the registration form contained within your quarterly water/sewer utility billing Garage Sale Days. Please <br /> find a registration form You are invited to participate in the 12th Annual City Wide Calendars May 14 & 15, 2004Mark Your —Up Days-Days & Clean12th Annual City Wide Garage Sale City <br /> Hall. commencing at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers and behind BBQ has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Development Committee’s Annual Business Appreciation Businesses, mark <br /> your calendars! The Economic Business Appreciation BBQ p.m.Main Street, Lino Lakes tentatively from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 be taking place at the Wargo Nature Center located at 7701 <br /> <br />Centerville’s Newsletter <br /> <br />Spring <br />County Road 14/Main Street <br />Widening? <br />You are invited to participate in discussions with the City of <br />Centerville, Anoka County Representatives and Engineers <br />from SRF on April 22, 2004, tentatively from 5:00—7:30 p.m. <br />at the Chomonix Golf Course, Blue Heron Room located at <br />646 Sandpiper Drive, Lino Lakes. Additional information <br />regarding this meeting will be forwarded to all Centerville <br />residents in the near future by Anoka County. Residents <br />will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding this <br />matter. Look for more information as it becomes available. <br />Earth Day <br />Are you a troop leader for a group of Boy Scouts, Cub <br />Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies or Daisies? Are you a coach <br />for a softball, baseball or soccer team? Are you interested <br />in keeping your community clean? Contact the City Clerk <br />if you would like to arrange an area of the community to <br />clean up on April 22, 2004. Annual Earth Day activities will <br />
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