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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 06-02-10 <br /> <br />th <br />scheduled two teen bands for the July 13 performance. ‘Concealed Fate’ will warm up for ‘Brace for Impact’, <br />who won last year’s Battle of the Bands. The Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park warming house area is a good <br />venue for teen bands, especially since part of the audience comes from the skate park. Mr. Lee will supply his <br />th <br />PA system for these bands. Mr. Lee will do a solo performance at Hidden Spring Park on July 27. All other <br />bands will be at Hidden Spring Park except for the Centennial Community Band which is 35 pieces and will <br /> <br /> <br />need to use the Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park parking lot. <br /> <br />Mr. Lee suggested to the committee that if the Music in the Parks Program is something they would like to <br />continue they should think about purchasing a PA system as most good bands will not play for $300 if they <br />have to bring and set up their own PA system as it is time consuming and labor intense. If the PA system were <br />available the committee would be able to attract more good bands for lesser fee. Mr. Lee said the committee <br />could purchase everything needed for approximately $3,200 and he will put together the information for the <br />committee to review at the next committee meeting. Chairperson Branch asked about storage and set up. Mr. <br />Lee said the equipment could be stored in a relatively small space, probably at Public Works and he would be <br />able to train people to use it. Committee Member Haiden asked about renting equipment. Mr. Lee stated that <br />renting at $250 each time the equipment would shortly pay for itself. <br /> <br />The committee briefly discussed radios for the 8K Walk/Run with Mr. Lee as he was in charge of the parade <br />the last few years and the radios he rented for the parade in 2009 were also used for the 8K. Chairperson <br />Branch informed the committee that Mayor Capra had notified him that the Anoka County Radio Club will <br />provide radios for both the parade and the 8K run and her and Council Member Paar will be meeting with Mr. <br />Bob Cordell sometime in June to go over the details. Mr. Lee reported he tried this with the parade in a <br />previous year and it did not work for a variety of reasons and he would not suggest using HAM Radio <br />Operators. Chairperson Branch will discuss this with Mayor Capra. <br /> <br />Different radio options were discussed; type, quantity and range. Mr. Lee said he would rather error on the side <br />of caution and he ordered more radios than he may have needed, but felt 12 radios with a better range would be <br />sufficient for the 8K. Committee Member Amundsen said the radios work much better with cooler <br />temperatures and that is perhaps one of the reasons the radios worked so poorly for the 2009 8K as by the time <br />the race was run it was in the afternoon and very hot. This year hopefully the race will be run in the morning <br />when it is still cooler. <br /> <br />IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES <br /> <br />May 5, 2010 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />Motion was made by Chairperson Branch, seconded by Vice-Chairperson Grahek to approve <br />the May 5, 2010 Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes as is. Ayes – 5, Nays – 0, <br />Abstain – 1 (Amundsen). Motion carried. <br /> <br />V. COMMITTEE BUSINESS <br /> <br />Advisory Position to Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> <br />Committee Member Seeley requested a discussion of an ‘advisory position’ to the Parks & Recreation <br />Committee be added to the agenda. Through recent visits to Chauncey Barett Gardens and speaking with the <br />manager, Committee Member Seeley started thinking the committee is missing a segment of the population in <br />Centerville by not having a voice from the senior community in what they would like to see offered for instance <br />as Park Programs. The other consideration is this is a building for 55 and older and many of the residents are <br />capable of being fully involved in the community and potentially able to volunteer their time and their expertise <br />in areas the committee may be lacking. The committee agreed this is a resource that should be pursued, but <br />2 of 6 <br /> <br />