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2010-09-08 CC Packet
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2010-09-08 CC Packet
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Centennial Lakes Police Department <br />2011 Budget Proplasal <br />Included in this document is the complete budget request for 2011 as well as a brief <br />explanation of related proposed expenditures and a rationale for each item, In addition, <br />we are proposing some changes to the format and structure, as well as some <br />recommendations about designated reserve funds. <br />Forfeitures <br />It appears that we have traditionally included forfeiture receipts as an expected revenue <br />source. We believe that this may not be appropriate. Forfeitures receipts are speculative <br />at best, and as a result, are not a reliable revenue source. Secondly, there has been <br />significant discussion concerning forfeitures, and their place in the government revenue <br />projection discussions. It appears that the potential for abuse is high, and indeed, <br />evidence of abuse from the Gang Strike Force has led legislators to change the law, and <br />all forfeitures will undergo increased scrutiny. We believe that it is essential that we <br />clearly separate the enforcement action from the forfeiture action, and avoid any <br />appearance of impropriety. Finally, we know that forfeiture funds cannot be included in <br />the general fund, and removing them from the revenue forecast reduces the chance for <br />inappropriate intermingling, <br />Capital Budget <br />It appears that best practices, both from a budgeting perspective and an accounting <br />perspective, suggest that capital purchases should be scheduled and accounted for in a <br />capital budget rather than in the operating budget. The audit states that capital assets are <br />defined as items costing more than $500 and having a life of greater than one year. For <br />budgeting purposes, we would recommend a value of $ 1000. <br />It is our proposal that we remove all capital purchases from the operating budget and <br />establish a capital budget, We would further suggest that this budget be funded <br />separately by the membership. An option for funding would be to regularly schedule <br />transfers from the reserve fund to the capital budget. The reserve fund currently has a <br />restrictive balance of $140,000 and an unrestricted balance of approximately $400,000. <br />In these particular difficult financial times, it might be worth consideration to finance the <br />purchase of capital assets in this manner. The exact capital budget request for 2011 is <br />included below. <br />We would establish and maintain a rolling ten year capital improvement schedule in <br />which all capital items would be identified and scheduled. Items to be included in this <br />budget would be vehicles, computers, radar units, laptops, office machines, office <br />furniture, defibrillators, speed trailer, etc. <br />The obvious benefit to this strategy is that we can manage and schedule major purchases <br />while maintaining a stable operating budget. <br />
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