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22. Additional cities may jmin this Agreement following the effective date. If a city joins afterthn <br />effective date that city is irespons,ible for its proportionate share of any expenses incurred in <br />implementing this Agreement for which the city will receive a benefit. <br />11. Thegovenning body of each of the Cities shall appoint one representative to serve as a member <br />of the Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Protection Group (hereinafter "Group"), <br />12. One alternate member shall be appointed to the Group by the governing body of the Cities, The <br />eUternate may attend any meeting of the Group and, when the regular member is absent, vote <br />nm behalf of the City the member represents. <br />3.3. All members of the Group shall serve at the will aind pleasure of the appointing authority. The <br />appointing authority shall notify the Anoka County Administrator of the member or alternate <br />nnemberappointedtotheGroupandshaUnotifvtheAnokaCnuntyAdm|mistratorofamy <br />chamgestm their appointment. <br />3.4. Group members shall not be entitled to compensation or reimbursement for expenses incurred <br />in attending meetings, except to the extent that the appmimt�ing authority might determine &m <br />compensate or reimburse the expenses of the member it appoint�, in which case the obligation <br />10 make such payments shall be that ofthe appointing authority. <br />15. The County's Environmental Services Manager shaH be an ex-officio non-voting member of the <br />Group and shall serve as the facilitator to the Group. <br />16. The First meeting of the Group shall be at �:00 a.m. on December 1, 2010 in Room 710 at the <br />Anoka County Government Center, 21O0 Third Avenue, Anoka, Minnesota, At the first meeting, <br />the GrompvvHS agree to procedures for its operation. <br />17. A majority of all Group: voting members shall constitute aquorum, but less than aquo�rummay <br />adjourn a scheduled meedng,. <br />3.8. Recommendations ofthe Group related Tuoontractiing for service will require agreement of <br />each party prior to the party incurring any financial ob|Ugatio�n. <br />4A. The Group shall be responsible to: <br />4.1.I, develop a work plan to perform joint wellhead protection activities; <br />4.1.2, develop programs to achieve common wellhead education and protection objectives; <br />and <br />4.13. recommend 10 the governing bodies of the Cities and County whether to have the <br />County contract with a consultant under the terms of this, agreement; <br />4.1.4. apply for funds from any source it may identify. <br />MA <br />