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City of Cen I el vil I C' <br />1 "Ind zonillp, C'031)111ission <br />October 5, 201 <br />1 \11 1 1C.t�l Gil hl,x <br />. . . ... .. .......... . . <br />. . . . ............... . <br />'e all d fl"(" w"th the notgd cll Q.9f the, I ha <br />j?12r c recelved J k <br />\f.- <br />1\5 ]TIWIP ... ... .... .... <br />Uilf.1114j] cu(�jv <br />_.'. .­� . . ......... ­­n .. . .... ... � " "! <br />ca]�Te'scj�mrd wtfh th Ca III-]-) <br />The Cornn discussed the updates to the zoning map that are necessitatcd by <br />the now 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Comnaissioners agreed fhat informal meetings <br />should be held \>, affected property owners before scheduling the formal public <br />hearing. Staff \7, tx) schedule meetings over coffee, or lunch and one or N <br />Conarnissioners will try to attend to review the intent of the new zoning. The goal is <br />to have all of t hese informal meetings by the end of December so the hearing can <br />be scheduled for early next year. <br />1. 11equest frorl, 1<.,ettl.eBeli Gym to Opierate 2 W011 facility located at Mfg,, <br />20 A ven u-c , Ste. I � 0 <br />Jodie b4olitor, Owner was present to explain her plans, She noted that her gym will <br />always have staff present and will have little or no equipment. Her methods are <br />centered around exercise programs designed for the individual, The Commission <br />reviewed the Code requirements for the applicable zoning district. While the <br />specific use is not listed, the Commission noted that the use is substantially similar <br />to an an Archery Range, which is a permitted use. <br />Motion by Lornmissioner Wood, seconded bv Commissioner Lee that the <br />Commission make 2, finding that the Rroposed Kettlebell Gvm is substantially <br />sinidlarr to an archer) range and therefore should be dre_____ <br />ternilned to be <br />RLrinitted uEe. All hi favor. Mo49 <br />The Commission determined that it should modify the code to give it more latitude <br />in determining that a use similar to a listed permitted use may be found to be a <br />permitted use. <br />Motion bv Commissioner Wekseth���' ommlssloner Lee to <br />schedule a_ _ p ubHc hearing,. �q <br />_cqgsider a code amendment that would <br />specificailly,,rant more latitude in determinim! that a use substanti0v similar <br />to a Usted vermjitted use mav be d to be -aVerm_ use, AT. in <br />favor'. hil'otion PaNsed unanimously. <br />N7, DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />It was noted that the next meeting will be November 9, 201 the second Monday, due to <br />the General, Election being held on the regularly scheduled date, <br />a <br />