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P01 - 01 helcin, shall Fppjy IC) all buildings 111,9t may be ertcted, 0011MICd 01 sSIYLIGWFZJIY <br />a1tcred in indusnIvI dist <br />(C) SCM6 setbacks a - I'e S fbrth in Appendix A, Table 1, J)istrict <br />Regulations lot and YErd Requirements. In addition, side yards facing streets oil COFJWIIr <br />lots shall be considered II)e sanic as front yards, '`tirsIlere a front yard or side yard of a <br />corner lot faces a residc'111iRl district across a street, the setback from the street shall be <br />not less than 60 feel. <br />(DI) (?f <br />,f-sfreei j)cakhjg Off-street parking, shall be provided as required by this <br />chapter. All open street panking areas having more than six parking spaces shall be <br />effectively screened by a vvell, fence of acceptable design or compact hedge along, 11 <br />, a <br />sides which adjoin or are, directly across the street from the PTOPOrt in a residential zone <br />or institutional use. The wall, f'ence or hedge shall be maintained in good condition. <br />Flails for fencing shall be approved by the City Council. The fence shall not be used for <br />advertising purposes; <br />(E) Huffer one betivee;) h2duvrial and re, idenfial direr icm Where the side yard of <br />an) industrial district abuts a residential district, the minimum side yard setback s . hall be <br />60 feet, Parking of vehicles will be permitted within 40 feet of the side yard: line. All <br />side yard areas not utilized for parking shall be landscaped with screening provided along <br />the side lot line to witilin 15 feet of any public right-of-way, <br />M Screening requirenjents If the City Council requires any type of screening as a <br />condition for a variance or, conditional use, or interim use the applicant shall comply, <br />with the following conditions: <br />(1) File a copy of the screening plans with the Zoning Administrator; <br />(2) The screening, planting or construction, or both shall be complete within <br />one year from the date of'building permit, subject to extension by the City Council, <br />(3) The screening shall be maintained after completion; and <br />(4) AL dollar amount of one and one-half times the estimated cost of planting <br />and construction of the screening shall be filed with the city in the form of a cash escrow <br />or letter of credit. The cash escrow or letter of credit amount shall be forfeited to the city <br />if any provisions of this section are violated, <br />(G) Landsca <br />,ping. A minimum often percent of any lot shall be green space. Three <br />percent of the surface area of the land within a parking area shall be landscaped with <br />grass and shrubbery or other approved ground cover. Landscaped areas will continue to <br />be maintained by the property owner on a continuous basis. Green areas within abutting <br />street rights-of-Nvay vvill also be maintained by the property owner, Additional <br />landscaping regulations are set forth in § 156,116. <br />PA <br />W <br />