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2010-11-03 P & R Agenda Packet
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2010-11-03 P & R Agenda Packet
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Parks & Recreation Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes 10-06-10 <br /> about $184, 000 less. With the base bid at about $1.12 M, this was only about $70, 000 over the minimum <br /> we needed to spend to maximize our grant dollars. <br /> Therefore, at the last City Council meeting, the Council passed a motion recommending to the Anoka <br /> County Board that the project be awarded to Yeit & Co., Inc. (low bidder) on the base bid amount only. <br /> This means that none of the alternates were chosen. To review, the alternates were: 1— Benches, bike <br /> racks, trash receptacle, drinking fountain; 2— Fountain; 3— Trailside Park (bump out); 4— North Leg of <br /> Cornerstone Park. What will get built is the main circle with a planting bed in the middle; the engraved <br /> granite plaques with the May Peace Prevail translations; the Kiosk; and associated plantings (trees, <br /> shrubs and some perennials). We will also provide conduit under the circle of colored concrete in case a <br /> fountain was to be built in the future. I've attached a sketch of the base bid park. <br /> On the bright side, the award of the project means that we will finally be moving forward with the <br /> construction of all of the trails on the plan. The result will be a much more bike and pedestrian friendly <br /> town with lots of connectivity to the regional trail along CSAH 14 and around Centerville Lake. <br /> Technically speaking, this is an Anoka County project and so it requires the approval of the Anoka <br /> County Board. However, the federal funding for the project requires that the Equal Employment <br /> Opportunity (EEO) o�ce review the contractor's efforts to hire "disadvantaged business enterprises" <br /> (DBEs). We cannot have the board take action until we receive word from the EEO office that everything <br /> checks out. <br /> The contractor has initially said that he probably won't do any work this fall, but will begin first thing in <br /> the spring. The completion date for the project is September of 2011. <br /> Irrigation at Laurie LaMotte Memorial Park Update ' <br /> Update from Mr. Mark Statz, City Engineer: <br /> An advertisement for bids was published this week. Bids will be taken on October 21 Bids will consist <br /> of 3 separate contracts. One contract will be to do some pond dredging in the Anoka County pond, then <br /> drill a storm sewer line to the park. The second contract will be the drilling of the wet well (this is where <br /> the pump will be) and the installation of the pump and controls. The third contract will be for the <br /> irrigation system. The base bid here will be installation of the large gun style system. An alternate bid <br /> will be taken for installation of a traditional irrigation system in lieu of the gun style system. <br /> Once we receive bids, we will review the pricing and hopefully move forward with the project. Most <br /> likely, there won't be enough time to instadl the irrigation system yet this fall, but if not we will complete <br /> it in the spring. If the traditional system is chosen, we may wait until next fall to put it in to avoid <br /> disruption of the T-Ball leagues. <br /> Chairperson Branch asked the following questions of Mr. Dallas Larson and Mr. Paul Palzer, to which <br /> we do not have an answer at this time. <br /> The demo last week of the irrigation guns was most impressive. As you know the P&R committee has <br /> been interested in an automated irrigation system for Hidden Springs Park for some time. The goal is to <br /> protect the investment in that park and at the same time reduce the work load on stafJ`' Manually water <br /> the grass and landscaping in Hidden Springs is ineffective and expensive in terms of labor hours. <br /> 5 of 6 <br />
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