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COUNTY OF ANOKA <br /> CITY OF CENTERVILLE <br /> RES.#15-0 J� <br /> A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING <br /> ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ON 2016 THIN MILL & OVERLAY PROJECT <br /> BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CENTERVILLE,MINNESOTA <br /> WHEREAS, it has been proposed to improve the following streets: <br /> 1. Cottonwood Court 2. Deer Court <br /> 3. Hunters Trail 4. Meadow Circle <br /> 5. Meadow Court 6. Mill Road <br /> 7. Cardinal Drive 8. North Robin Lane <br /> 9. South Robin Lane 10. West Robin Lane <br /> AND WHEREAS, Council on October 14, 2015, directed Stantec as Engineer for this improvement to prepare <br /> plans and specifications in preparation for receiving bids, and such plans have been presented to the council for <br /> approval. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CENTERVILLE, <br /> MINNESOTA: <br /> 1. Plans and specifications for making of the improvement are hereby approved as presented. <br /> 2. The City Clerk is authorized to advertise for bids for the making of the improvement or designate <br /> Stantec to act on the City's behalf in regards to the advertising for bids. The advertisements for bids <br /> shall be published as required by law, and shall specify the materials to be purchased and separate labor <br /> and equipment to be contracted, and the notice shall state that bids will be opened at 10:30 a.m. on the <br /> day of , 2015 and shall state that bids will be considered by the City Council <br /> within 90 days of the date of bid opening. <br /> PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Centerville this 28"' day of October, 2015. <br /> Mayor,Tom Wilharber <br /> Attest:- <br /> City Clerk, Teresa Bender <br />