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505 Further Board member discussion with Mr. Petersen and Ms. Correll of FOR included city use of their <br />506 storm water utility fees as a resource for the annual GLWMO budget; Mr. Schwartz advising that BWSR <br />507 grant funding typically could be considered CIP dollars if a grant was received and a capital match <br />508 approved; TMDL monitoring and survey data for use in CIP projects; rule- making potential of the <br />509 GLWMO Board in 2012 or a consideration for 2013; <br />510 <br />511 current development by the City of Roseville of its own master wetland plan; identification of and <br />512 needed focus on external sources of phosphorus to Lake Owasso from the south from Bennett Lake, based <br />513 on the BARR Use Attainability Study, and not meeting proposed standards, as well as water quality <br />514 problems with Willow Lake. <br />515 <br />516 Ms. Correll clarified that Willow was designated as a wetland, and Bennett as a shallow lake in the Draft <br />517 Plan; and she differentiated between wetland management and the TMDL study as two separate issues <br />518 needing consistent and trained personnel to monitor data, not just trained volunteers. Ms. Correll advised <br />519 that a wetland management plan would assess current conditions to determine how to apply wetland <br />520 management standards, but that there would be no assessment of resources to change and ultimately <br />521 improve them. <br />522 <br />523 Additional discussion included the status of Lake Judy and Emily and the need to clean those external <br />524 sources going into Lake Owasso; increased education/outreach for 2012 proposed at $10,000 as per the <br />525 Plan; lack of consistent past efforts for education and outreach regarding land management <br />526 activities/stormwater management that have served to create current water quality conditions; 2012 <br />527 Budget ideals versus realities; and more realistic 2011 budget figures available as the year progresses and <br />528 providing closer actual fund balances available in 2012. <br />529 <br />530 Further discussion included mandatory components of the Plan necessary to include in the 2012 Budget; <br />531 whether to present representative cities with one or two budgetary scenarios; attendance by GLWMO <br />532 Board members at area lakeshore meetings and associations as part of a more effective <br />533 education/outreach effort seeking their assistance and partnership with the GLWMO Board in educating <br />534 citizens and thereby hopefully reducing those costs somewhat for the Board; and the need to recognize <br />535 that continuing to use fund balances to fund the annual budget was not a sustainable or practical financial <br />536 practice. <br />537 <br />538 Chair Pro -tem Eckman recognized audience member Roberts for additional comment, with Mr. Roberts <br />539 referenced the BARR Engineering study for Owasso Lake and subsequent public meeting alerting the <br />540 public of the shocking results of the heavy nutrient loading of the Lake from the south end of the <br />541 watershed into Lake Owasso and assuming that wetlands improved water quality. Mr. Roberts opined <br />542 that this information caused a lot of people on the Lake Owasso Association to question what the <br />543 GLWMO Board was doing about the situation; and there was no available response. Mr. Roberts noted <br />544 that it was supposed to be the objective of the GLWMO to protect and preserve water bodies in its <br />545 jurisdiction; and questioned how that objective fit into the proposed budget, and how there could be <br />546 assurances that the objectives remained a priority. <br />547 <br />548 In response, Member Miller advised that there were BMP's already developed, and others in development <br />549 stages (e.g. rain gardens and lakeshore restoration) based on past TMDL studies allowing the GLWMO to <br />550 pinpoint where mitigations would be most effective and where to most effectively use its limited funds; <br />551 and confirmed that there was no proposed cut in monitoring or TMDL study dollars, with the GLWMO <br />552 recognizing their importance and contribution to overall water management within its jurisdiction. <br />553 <br />554 <br />555 <br />11 <br />