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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
Agendas and Packets
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Last modified
8/1/2011 11:02:30 AM
Creation date
8/1/2011 11:01:02 AM
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Grass Lake WMO
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402 Chair Eckman concurred that this was an excessive cost, and that this was not the best time for the Board <br />403 to be spending that kind of money. Chair Eckman noted her perception of the effectiveness for e -mails <br />404 sent from individual networks, or hand delivery of post cards of reminder notes encouraging people to <br />405 distribute them to others they may be aware of having an interest. Chair Eckman suggested another <br />406 option would be to provide cards to lake homeowners associations to distribute at their discretion. <br />407 <br />408 Chair Eckman recognized Mr. Roberts for public comment, who advised that the Lake Owasso <br />409 Association Board was willing to distribute copies of the Plan; however, they were under the same budget <br />410 constraints as the GLWMO. <br />411 <br />412 At the request of Chair Eckman, Mr. Petersen and Ms. Correll reported on their conversations with Ms. <br />413 Lewis at BWSR on notice requirements of the 8410 Rule; with no additional requirements than those <br />414 already undertaken. <br />415 <br />416 Further discussion included publishing in local newspapers, with Mr. Schwartz suggesting a news release <br />417 and offering to process a release if someone would draft one; additional media sources (e.g. cable <br />418 television local access; on -line calendars; member City websites and/or newsletters); and individual <br />419 Board member networks and social media options. <br />420 <br />421 With Board consensus, Chair Eckman suggested that no additional money be spent on notices other than <br />422 those required or already addressed during tonight's discussion, but to use other options as available and <br />423 as referenced above. <br />424 <br />425 Review, discussion, and motion to approve 2012 GLWMO Budget <br />426 Chair Eckman provided the revised DRAFT 2012 Budget (v. 6.3.11 ke), attached hereto and made a part <br />427 hereof, and advised that Member Miller would be presenting it to the Shoreview City Council at their <br />428 Monday, June 13, 2011 work session; and she would be presenting it to the Roseville City Council on <br />429 Monday, June 20, 2011 regular meeting. Upon approval, Chair Eckman advised that the budget would be <br />430 immediately forwarded to staff at the member cities for inclusion in their meeting packet materials. <br />431 <br />432 Chair Eckman suggested that a copy of the current JPA be included in the packet materials for City <br />433 Councilmember awareness and reference. <br />434 <br />435 Motion SP 11 -06 - 07 <br />436 Member Miller moved, and Member Barrett seconded approval of the DRAFT 2012 GLWMO Budget as <br />437 presented (v. 6.3.11 ke). <br />438 <br />439 Chair Eckman expressed her appreciation for how the budget was realistically developed after previous <br />440 Board discussions and reasonable compromises by the Board and member cities. <br />441 <br />442 Ayes:3 Nays:0 <br />443 Motion carried. <br />444 <br />445 Chair Eckman noted that she and Member Miller had prepared an outline for their presentations to the <br />446 member cities and provided a copy to Mr. Schwartz for his review and comment prior to his agenda <br />447 packet preparation. <br />448 <br />449 <br />450 <br />451 <br />9 <br />
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