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<br />-2- <br /> <br />2. The City will provide all necessary engineering, <br />construction and inspection services to construct the pathway and <br />appurtenances across Lake Josephine County Park. <br />3. The City and County will jointly inspect the pathway, <br />parking lot and appurtenances upon completion of construction, and <br />the County shall approve, by letter, the construction in conformance <br />with the plans. <br />4. There will be no assessments to the County for this <br />improvement. <br />5. The City will assume the responsibility for the path- <br />way upon completion, and perform all necessary maintenance. <br />6. The County will assume responsibility for the parking <br />lot upon its completion, and perform all necessary maintenance. <br />7. The City of Roseville shall join with the County in <br />defending against any liability which may result from the pathway. <br />8. The agreement shall be for a term of ten (10) years <br />and may be renewed an additional ten (10) years by mutual agreement <br />of the parties. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing reolution <br />was duly seconded by Council Menmer Kehr, and upon a vote being taken <br />the following voted in favor thereof: all present <br />and the following voted against the same: None. <br />~~IEREUPON, the said Resolution was declared duly passed <br />and adopted. <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA) <br />) SS <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br /> <br />I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting <br />Manager of the City of Roseville, do hereby certify that I have <br />carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of <br />a regular meeting of said city council held on the 9th day of May, <br />1983, with the original thereof on file in my office and the same <br />is a full, true and complete transpcript therefrom insofar as the <br />same relates to the authorization of signing a pathway agreement <br />with the County of Ramsey and the City of Roseville at the Lake <br />Josephine Park . <br />WITNESS my hand as such Manager and the corporate seal of <br />the City of Roseville this 17th da~.---)f February :-1198,,4-. <br /> <br />~ ~,,-~;ru2.---k-.7 (/s./-~..e <br />" / Ci ty Manager <br />t- <br /> <br />SEA L <br />