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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08,2011 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Ms. Miliotis clarified that County Road C-2 was not a county road and had not <br /> been one for over thirty (30) years; and that it did not extend over the boundaries <br /> of Roseville. Ms. Miliotis suggested that the City rename the road to avoid con- <br /> fusion. Ms. Miliotis reviewed and clarified Roseville roads and their status as <br /> MSA (Minnesota State Aid) funded road, at 25%. Ms. Miliotis quoted from the <br /> state aid manual, noting that traffic projections for the future continued to de- <br /> crease; and noted that the levels of service are not currently, nor would they be- <br /> come deficient at County Road C-2 and Lexington, but were only projected to <br /> diminish slightly. Ms. Miliotis noted that the use of MSA funds required social, <br /> safety and environmental criteria to determine impacts of any project; and further <br /> noted that it was her understanding that Roseville's portion of MSA funds had <br /> been used for a number of years; and questioned how the City could even justify <br /> using those funds for a roadway not even wanted or needed. <br /> Ms. Miliotis advised that she had been advised by City staff that, while zero dol- <br /> lars had been used to maintain County Road C-2 between Lexington and Hamline <br /> Avenues, at the same time, MSA funds had been used for the beautification of Jo- <br /> sephine Road during its reconstruction, in addition to $22,000 for private drive- <br /> way work. Ms. Miliotis asked citizens to imagine costs adjusted for inflation for <br /> construction between Snelling Avenue and Victoria Street, to meet MSA design <br /> standards; with 25% of those costs assessable to homeowners on MSA roads. <br /> Unless misunderstanding the situation, Ms. Miliotis questioned why Josephine <br /> Road residents got by without paying a dime; while if County Road C-2 was con- <br /> nected, those homeowners would pay 25% for actually deconstructing their own <br /> neighborhoods, in addition to paying 10)% for driveway reconstruction. Ms. Mi- <br /> liotis opined that this was not only unfair but completely outrageous. Ms. Miliotis <br /> stated that she could agree with Josephine Road residents on one point brought up <br /> by Mr. Shwiff in his letter to Mayor Roe and the City Council: that if County <br /> Road C-2 is not opened as part of the Josephine Woods development, it would on- <br /> ly create stronger advocacy to keep it closed. <br /> Joan Carrier, 1040 County Road C-2 <br /> Ms. Carrier advised that her main concerns were related to taxes and safety. <br /> While it may seem enticing to use MSA funds, Ms. Carrier asked if that suffi- <br /> ciently addressed capital improvement and budget needs versus actual resources, <br /> specifically those needed for the woefully underfunded park system and proposed <br /> fire station. Ms. Carrier asked how residents could be asked to pay for a roadway <br /> addition versus other more vital City needs and priorities. <br /> Ms. Carrier, in her personal review of property tax data, opined that average prop- <br /> erty taxes along County C-2 had declined while Josephine Road resident taxes <br /> were increasing. Ms. Carrier suggested this could impact home values and those <br />