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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08, 2011 <br /> Page 24 <br /> on today's traffic and current levels of operation. Related to whether County <br /> Road C-2 should be vacated, Ms. Bloom advised that staff was not prepared to <br /> make that recommendation, based on the inability to clearly dictate what the fu- <br /> ture may hold. Ms. Bloom noted that there may be a future need for pedestrian <br /> connections and utilities, depending on redevelopment at Hamline and Woodhill; <br /> but that currently staff was not looking to vacate that 175'. <br /> An unidentified member of the audience requested a definition and meaning of <br /> the term "vacating." <br /> Mayor Roe responded and reviewed a situation when the City retains the right to <br /> use a strip of land for road right-of-way, or utilities; and continuing to retain that <br /> right. Mayor Roe noted that one option would be to vacate a right-of-way by re- <br /> turning the property back to adjacent property owners and giving up the City's <br /> right to build a road on it; or retaining a utility easement. Mayor Roe noted that <br /> by vacating the City's right to use the land for a future road, it would give up that <br /> right for good; and if not, the City could retain the right-of-way for potential use <br /> in the future. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned Ms. Bloom as to staff's recommendation on whether to <br /> continue designating County Road C-2 as an MSA road; and impacts to continu- <br /> ing to do so or not to do so. <br /> Ms. Bloom responded that staff would need to research monetary impacts to the <br /> City in whether to continue designating it as an MSA road; advising that the por- <br /> tion could be undesignated. Ms. Bloom advised that state aid encouraged removal <br /> of non-existing road segments from the state system, and the City could consider <br /> doing so; however in the City's overall management of the state aid system, 25% <br /> of the City's total road miles could be designated, and sometimes segments of a <br /> road were designated as state aid roads. In the City's overall road grid system, <br /> Ms. Bloom advised that another segment would need to be identified to maximize <br /> the City's piece of the pie, since the City currently had approximately 1.5 miles of <br /> undesignated state aid roadway mileage, based on that 25% state allowance. Ms. <br /> Bloom noted that the current intent was to hold that undesignated portion in re- <br /> serve for County Road B west of Cleveland Avenue, which Ramsey County <br /> would like to turn back to the City. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if that section of County Road C-2 east of Cleveland Ave- <br /> nue in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area was designated MSA> <br /> Ms. Bloom responded that it was an MSA route in that location; but had been re- <br /> moved to facilitate Langton Lake Park, as well as due to road flooding and other <br /> problems, and thus removed from the state aid system. <br />