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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08,2011 <br /> Page 30 <br /> Mr. Larson opined that the proposed reduction and/or elimination of such events <br /> and programs was nothing less than a grandstand play. Mr. Larson opined that by <br /> cutting police services and programs and eliminating civic pride opportunities, it <br /> would only increase crime in the community; and would serve to require would <br /> only serve to require additional police officers in the future. Mr. Larson stated <br /> "What's money?;" and opined that he didn't need it and a lot of people in the <br /> community had deep pockets; and rather than jumping on current national trends, <br /> things were good in Roseville, with good schools and infrastructure, and should <br /> be maintained. <br /> Gale Pederson,929 West Roselawn Avenue <br /> When first reviewing the proposed budget, as part of her role on the City's Advi- <br /> sory Parks and Recreation Commission, she expressed her deep frustration with <br /> the recommendations of City Manager Malinen. While recognizing Mr. Mali- <br /> nen's responsibility to run the City and the City Council's responsibility to deter- <br /> mine where taxpayer dollars were spent, she opined that the community of Rose- <br /> ville was a huge tapestry above and beyond just public safety needs. <br /> As a 37-year resident of Roseville, and long-time volunteer, Ms. Pederson noted <br /> the many budget cuts she'd observed, a significant number applied to the City's <br /> Parks and Recreation Department. Ms. Pederson opined that the Parks and <br /> Recreation Department could not afford to lose another full-time employee, with <br /> the Parks Supervisor position remaining vacant for some time as a result of pre- <br /> vious budget cuts. Proposed additional cuts to the Park Improvement Program <br /> (PIP) was another stick area in Ms. Pederson's opinion; and noted that, at one <br /> point during her tenure volunteering with the City, there was over $250,000 in the <br /> PIP unfunded to meet its demands. Ms. Pederson opined that it was one of the <br /> purposes of the Parks Master Plan process to address those things, in priority <br /> rank, which had been put off for way too long; and she further opined that she <br /> was not willing to take another $140,000 from that fund, further eradicating the <br /> PIP. While not yet aware of the next implementation steps in Phase I of the Mas- <br /> ter Plan process, pending City Council action, Ms. Pederson advised that she was <br /> unwilling to back off any more dollars until that City Council decision was <br /> known. Ms. Pederson noted that a lot of activities in the community keep it going <br /> and bring in people and young families into the community. While being cogni- <br /> zant of other needs throughout the community, Ms. Pederson opined that it was <br /> those very activities proposed to be reduced or eliminated that brought people into <br /> Roseville to experience and participate in those amenities; whether children using <br /> park equipment and facilities, attending various recreation programs, or families <br /> attending community events. <br /> Ms. Pederson noted that the City was able to continue offering clean and safe <br /> parks through the efforts of many departments, including the City's Fire, Police <br /> and Parks and Recreation Departments. Ms. Pederson stated that she was willing <br />