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<br />Section 3. The President and the Secreta..ry-Treasurer must sign vouchers or orders disbursing pJ.nds <br />of the I35W Corridor Coalition. Disbursement will be made in the method prescribed by law for <br />statutory cities. <br /> <br />Section 4. The board may in its by-laws provide for and define the duties of such other officers as <br />it determines necessary fÌ'om time to time. <br /> <br />Section 5. The board may in its by-laws provide fOf such committees as it determines necessary <br />fÌ'om time to time. A by-law providing for an executive committee and defining the powers and <br />duties of an executive committee may be adopted only by a favorable vote of all members of the <br />board. <br /> <br />ARTICLE VIII. POWERS AND DUTIES <br /> <br />Section I. The board may take such actions as it deems necessary and convenient to accomplish the <br />general purposes of this agreement. <br /> <br />Section 2. The board may: <br /> <br />a) enter into contfacts to carry out its powers and duties; <br />b) provide for the prosecution, defense, or other participation in proceedings at law or <br />in equity in which it may have an interest; <br />c) employ such persons as it deems necessary on a part-time, full-time or consultant <br />basis; <br />d) purchase, hold or dispose of real and personal property; <br />e) contract for space, commodities or personal services with a member or group of <br />mpmhpr..· <br />.........-..............-......., <br /> <br />f) accept gifts, apply for and use grants or loans of money or other property fÌ'om the <br />state, the United States of Âmerica, and Îrom other governmental uniis and may enter <br />into agreements in connection therewith and hold, use and dispose of such money or <br />property in accordance with the terms of the gift, grant, loan or agreement relating <br /> <br />.1...l"t.......o.+_ <br />Ul~~~LU. <br /> <br />g) collect and analyze data, develop strategic recommendations and implement <br />marketing programs for the purpose of economic development and retention of <br />existing businesses within the jurisdiction of areas of operation of the parties. <br /> <br />'" U'T'TroT 1:::' TV 1:::'Tl\.T '" l'\.TroT '" T lI<Jr '" 'T"T'1:::'UQ <br />~l.l'-'LL .lA. .l'.ll'lr\.l'l'-'.l1""'U..J\..l ~L.l'-IJ <br /> <br />Section 1. The fiscal year of the 135W Corridor Coalition is the calender year, with the <br />understanding the initial year of operation will be a short year. <br /> <br />Section 2. The board shall adopt an initial budget and must thereafter adopt an annual budget prior <br />to July 1 of each year. The board will give an opportunity to each member to comment or object to <br />the proposed budget before adoption. Notice of the adopted budget must be mailed promptly <br />thereafter to the chief administrative officer of each member. The budget is deemed approved by <br />each member unless, prior to October 10th of that year a member gives written notice to the <br />Secretary-Treasurer that the member is withdrawing at the end of the year as provided in this <br />agreement. <br /> <br />5 <br />