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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:37:45 AM
Creation date
12/2/2004 9:12:49 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Stating the City's intent to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with other cities in the 35WCoalition, directing the Mayor and City Manager to act on behalf of the City to sign necessary Joint Powers Agreements and the Coalition application forms co
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />Section 3. The President and the Secreta..ry-Treasurer must sign vouchers or orders disbursing pJ.nds <br />of the I35W Corridor Coalition. Disbursement will be made in the method prescribed by law for <br />statutory cities. <br /> <br />Section 4. The board may in its by-laws provide for and define the duties of such other officers as <br />it determines necessary fÌ'om time to time. <br /> <br />Section 5. The board may in its by-laws provide fOf such committees as it determines necessary <br />fÌ'om time to time. A by-law providing for an executive committee and defining the powers and <br />duties of an executive committee may be adopted only by a favorable vote of all members of the <br />board. <br /> <br />ARTICLE VIII. POWERS AND DUTIES <br /> <br />Section I. The board may take such actions as it deems necessary and convenient to accomplish the <br />general purposes of this agreement. <br /> <br />Section 2. The board may: <br /> <br />a) enter into contfacts to carry out its powers and duties; <br />b) provide for the prosecution, defense, or other participation in proceedings at law or <br />in equity in which it may have an interest; <br />c) employ such persons as it deems necessary on a part-time, full-time or consultant <br />basis; <br />d) purchase, hold or dispose of real and personal property; <br />e) contract for space, commodities or personal services with a member or group of <br />mpmhpr..· <br />.........-..............-......., <br /> <br />f) accept gifts, apply for and use grants or loans of money or other property fÌ'om the <br />state, the United States of Âmerica, and Îrom other governmental uniis and may enter <br />into agreements in connection therewith and hold, use and dispose of such money or <br />property in accordance with the terms of the gift, grant, loan or agreement relating <br /> <br />.1...l"t.......o.+_ <br />Ul~~~LU. <br /> <br />g) collect and analyze data, develop strategic recommendations and implement <br />marketing programs for the purpose of economic development and retention of <br />existing businesses within the jurisdiction of areas of operation of the parties. <br /> <br />'" U'T'TroT 1:::' TV 1:::'Tl\.T '" l'\.TroT '" T lI<Jr '" 'T"T'1:::'UQ <br />~l.l'-'LL .lA. .l'.ll'lr\.l'l'-'.l1""'U..J\..l ~L.l'-IJ <br /> <br />Section 1. The fiscal year of the 135W Corridor Coalition is the calender year, with the <br />understanding the initial year of operation will be a short year. <br /> <br />Section 2. The board shall adopt an initial budget and must thereafter adopt an annual budget prior <br />to July 1 of each year. The board will give an opportunity to each member to comment or object to <br />the proposed budget before adoption. Notice of the adopted budget must be mailed promptly <br />thereafter to the chief administrative officer of each member. The budget is deemed approved by <br />each member unless, prior to October 10th of that year a member gives written notice to the <br />Secretary-Treasurer that the member is withdrawing at the end of the year as provided in this <br />agreement. <br /> <br />5 <br />
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