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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
9/20/2011 1:55:10 PM
Creation date
9/20/2011 12:39:23 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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201 Mr. Petersen opined that, unless feedback from agencies and the public during the 60 day review process <br />202 of the Third Generation Plan, indicated significantly different numbers, the Board already had the <br />203 information available to review financial options and rates, and the only variable was dependent on how <br />204 aggressive the Board chose to be in its analysis. <br />205 <br />206 Member Miller noted the value of timing the task force deadline and Board recommendation to member <br />207 cities to assist them make changes in their 2012 utility fees. <br />208 <br />209 Mr. Petersen concurred, noting that it could be possible to accomplish all of that, including an approved <br />210 budget to get incorporated into the 2012/2013 member city budgets that could allow for Option 2 <br />211 financing for 2012 rather than Option 1 as outlined in the Draft Third Generation Plan. <br />212 <br />213 Objective / Timing (continued) <br />214 After further discussion, it was GLWMO Board consensus that the objective of the task force was to <br />215 thoroughly research financial options for funding the Third Generation Plan as currently written, <br />216 emphasizing funding for Option 2 to support the GLWMO Board's future decision - making. <br />217 <br />218 If viable, the task force target date for its deliverable should be timed to facilitate incorporating applicable <br />219 funding options with the member city's storm water utility rates yet this fall, if that is a final <br />220 recommendation of the task force. <br />221 <br />222 It was reiterated that those rates were set in November of 2011 for budget year 2012; and made an <br />223 assumption that the GLWMO Board would ultimately make such an applicable recommendation. <br />224 <br />225 Chair Eckman advised that her vision of the task force would be five (5) citizens and the five (5) <br />226 GLWMO Board members getting together outside regular monthly GLWMO Board meetings and each <br />227 take on a specific research assignment related to their financing/governance tasks, including researching <br />228 other WMO's who had previously merged with a WD, both positives and negatives of that merger. Chair <br />229 Eckman opined that the Board could not realistically consider a tax option through the legislature or a <br />230 change to the JPA at this time. <br />231 <br />232 Mr. Schwartz advised that, in his review of the JPA with the Roseville City Attorney, the Board had the <br />233 authority to levy a tax; however, it would be limited to funding a capital program, not for operating or <br />234 administrative costs. <br />235 <br />236 Mr. Petersen sought and the Board discussed and provided further clarification on the options to be <br />237 considered by the task force: <br />238 <br />239 • Merger of the GLWMO with Ramsey / Washington Metro Watershed District; <br />240 • Merger of the GLWMO with Vadnais Lake Area Watershed Management Organization (VLAWMO), <br />241 if possible or allowed by BWSR; <br />242 • Remain as an independent WMO with current governance funding mechanism (status -quo option) <br />243 • Remain an independent WMO, funded through member cities with applicable special storm water <br />244 utility fees, with both cities providing a funding contribution. <br />245 <br />246 Member Miller suggested that a limit of 3 -5 alternatives be established for the task force to consider once <br />247 convened. Member Miller also suggested that the task force be charged with reviewing those viable <br />248 options. <br />249 <br />250 Membership Criteria (continued) <br />
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