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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
9/20/2011 2:11:13 PM
Creation date
9/20/2011 2:05:29 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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GRASS LAKE WATER <br />MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION <br />Water Quality Conservation Practice <br />Cost -share incentive Funding <br />APPLICATION PROCESS <br />L Cost - share is available to landowners in Grass Lake Water Mam igemeat Or ganiretfon (GLWMO). <br />2. In partnership with the GLWMO, the Ramsey Conservation District (RCD) will provide free technical <br />assistance for water quality conservation practice projects and, for qualified sites, up to 50% of eligible <br />project cost, (maximum of $1,000.00 for Rata Gardens and maxim® of $2500.00 for Shorelines), for <br />implementing projects tbat restore shoreline and manage smrmwater runoff. <br />3. Appik anis must sign two copies of this information sheet in verify that they understand the cost -share <br />process and agree to its terms. You will retain one of these copies for your records. <br />A. Applicants for mut -share most complete the application, including a restmatirm plan, cast estimate, and <br />nmterials and species lists and submit to the RCD before the project begins.. <br />5. The application most he approved by RCD staff before the project can qualify for our cost -share incentive <br />funding. <br />d. Attar your project bas been approved by the RCD staff, you will receive a cost -sbare contract agreeing to <br />construct the project according to the RCD approved p0an; please sign and return the contract to the RCD <br />office for processing. Yom will also receive an operation and maintenance agreement stating that you wilt <br />maintain the restoridim for a mhdmum of five years; please sign the last page and return to the RCD office <br />with the contract This step must be completed before the project begins. <br />7. The GLWMO Board most approve of your cost -share application and approve of a cost -share agreement at <br />a GLWMO Board meeting before the projects begins. You will receive written official notice front the <br />GLWMO Board that your project has been approved for cost -share within 10 days. <br />& When your project has been completed, send your receipts and any before and after pictures that <br />you would like to share to the RCD. RCD staff will schedule a visit to your site and verify the successful <br />Completion of your project RCD staff will then submit your informatou for reimbursement to the <br />GLWMO Board for approval to reimburse per the cost -share agreement. <br />Not all participants in this program may want or receive cost share fambi. Ali will receive technical assistance <br />whenever possible. <br />I have read and understand THE GRASS LAKE WATER MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION cost -share <br />grant application process and agree to the steps outlined above. Deviation from the above steps can result in a <br />rejection for cast SIM— <br />Name - Dale ' <br />.Sign and Retum to the RCD <br />3Marl I <br />
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