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City Council Minutes 12/13/99 <br />Page 6 <br />H. Hearings <br />H -1 Mastel moved, Wiski seconded, to establish the concluding action Truth in Taxation <br />of the 2 000 City Budget and Tax Levy t a regul meeting on Annual City Budget <br />y <br />December 1 5 1 999. boll Call Ayes: Goedeke Masehka Wiski Property Tax Levy <br />Mastel and wall. Nays: None. <br />H-2 Mastel moved, Masehka seconded, that the hearing he opened, Northwestern College <br />citizen comment taken and to continue the hearing to the meeting Final Approval of <br />of Monday January 102000. Roll Call es: Goedeke Amendment of <br />Masehl a, Wiski, Mastel and Wah. Nays None. E <br />PF3144 <br />H -3 Mastel moved, Wiski seconded, that upon recommendation of the Continuation of <br />Planning Commission, continue the reaffirmation of all zoning and Adoption of Annual <br />C omprehensive Plan amendments made in 1 999 to the City C omprehe nsive Plan <br />Councils regular meeting of Monday, January 24, 2000, after the (PF3174) <br />Planning Commis lion} s consideration of the Comprehensive Plan <br />amendments on January 12, 2000. Roll Call, Ayes: Goedeke, <br />Maschka, Wiski, Mastel and wall. Nays: None. <br />I. Land Use <br />J. Ordinances and Resolutions <br />J-1 11Iasehka moved, Mastel seconded, to continue to the meeting of Ordinance <br />Wednesday, December 1, 1999. Roll Call, Ayes: Goedeke, 2 4 Hour Service <br />Masehka Wiski, Mastel and wall. a y s None (PF 3177) <br />J- reading was held. wall moved, Mastel seconded, that Ordinan 1 232 <br />Ordinance 1232, amending Section. 1010.11 of the Roseville Ci Trash Handling <br />Code Trash Handling Equip allowing taro commercial Equipment <br />compactor containers, he adopted. Doll Call, Ayes: Goedeke, Amending S ection <br />Maschka, Wiski, Mastel and Wall. Nays: None. 1010. 1 1 of City Code <br />P F3 1 43 <br />J -3 wall moved, Mastel seconded that ordinance 1 233, changing the Ordinance 1 233 <br />name of West Cleveland Drive to R osegate Drive, he adopted. Renaming West <br />Doll Call es: Goedeke Maschka Wiski Mastel and wall. C leveland Drive to <br />Roaegate Drive <br />Nays: lone PF3 1 <br />80) <br />