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• The City retains the right to condemn the property for any reason allowable under State Statute, with the <br /> requirement that we make the WRC whole for its value of the building computed on the basis of its <br /> current construction cost less straight life depreciation. <br /> • There is a lump sum amount to be deposited either in escrow or endowment at the date of occupancy by <br /> the WRC for the purpose of providing funds for the ultimate demolition of the building or to provide an <br /> interest bearing account for maintenance, in the unlikely event that the City would obtain the building, <br /> either by default or at end of term. <br /> • The WRC shall pay 25% of the cost of maintenance, upgrade, and other fees associated with the <br /> common areas (such as parking lot, etc.), which we share in this partnership. <br /> In addition to the specific use agreement, the Exhibit B describes the collaborative nature of this agreement as a <br /> framework for our developing and ongoing relationship between the City and WRC. <br /> With these changes, it is the staff recommendation that the City is protected from ongoing financial exposure <br /> and that this relationship with the Minnesota Wildlife Rehabilitation Center represents a reasonable value to the <br /> community and should be considered by the City Council for final approval. <br /> Council Action Requested <br /> Motion authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute the agreement with the Minnesota Wildlife <br /> Rehabilitation Center for the lease of land at the Harriet Alexander Nature Center, subject to final review by the <br /> City Attorney. <br />